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无法从C#中的另一个脚本调用方法? 使用Unity吗?

[英]Cant call a method from another script in C#? Using Unity?

Alright, I've asked around on the Unity3d forums with no luck. 好吧,我在Unity3d论坛上四处打听,没有运气。 I'm attempting something pretty simple here and for some reason I can't get one C# script to call a function of another. 我在这里尝试一些非常简单的操作,由于某种原因,我无法获得一个C#脚本来调用另一个函数。

I am in Unity here and I have 2 scripts that I'm trying to use to detect a simple tap on a GameObject and do something based on that tap - OnMouseDown has failed me for whatever reason. 我在Unity中,我尝试使用2个脚本来检测GameObject上的简单点击并基于该点击执行某些操作-OnMouseDown出于任何原因使我失败。

I read an article on using a TouchManager script attached to an empty to call a function from the touched object's script, so here is that ; 我读了一篇有关使用TouchManager脚本的文章,该脚本附加到空白处,以从被触摸对象的脚本中调用函数,因此,这里是; it uses Raycasts and is supposed to get the touched game object and called the Touched() function: 它使用Raycasts并应该获取被触摸的游戏对象,并称为Touched()函数:

protected virtual void Update () {
    if (Input.touchCount > 1) {

        if (Input.touches [0].phase == TouchPhase.Stationary) {
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.touches [0].position);
            if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit, 100.0f)) {
                touchedObject = hit.transform.gameObject; 
                touchedObject.GetComponent<touchableGameObject> ().Touched ();
                print (touchedObject.name);
            } else print ("GetMouseButtonDown on nothing");

Without the first if, I was getting an OutofBounds in the Array error. 没有第一个if,我在Array错误中得到了OutofBounds However now with that first if I am getting no results at all. 但是现在,如果我没有任何结果,那么请首先解决。

Then on my enemy prefab (which is clearly an object) I just have: 然后在我的敌人预制件(显然是物体)上,我只有:

public void Touched() {
    print ("touched!! WORKING");

the function is public so it should be able to be called. 该函数是公共的,因此应该可以调用它。 I have a print in the Start() method so I know the script is working, yet the Touched() method is never called even when I am clearly touching/clicking on the game object. 我在Start()方法中有打印内容,因此我知道脚本可以正常工作,但是即使我清楚地触摸/单击游戏对象,也永远不会调用Touched()方法。

Without the first if statement in the Touch Manager script, I would consistently get the last else if printed: 如果在触摸管理器脚本中没有第一个if语句,那么在打印时我将始终获得最后一个else:

print ("GetMouseButtonDown on nothing");

I am relatively new to Unity and C# and cant figure this out. 我对Unity和C#比较陌生,无法弄清楚。 I need this to work and I'm desperate. 我需要这个来工作,我很绝望。

How does one call a function based on touch from another C# script? 一个人如何基于来自另一个C#脚本的触摸来调用函数?

This is a very simple mistake. 这是一个非常简单的错误。

When there is one touch, Input.touchCount is 1 . 一触时, Input.touchCount1 When there are 2 , the Input.touchCount value is 2. 当有2Input.touchCount值为2。

The problem with your code is on this line : if (Input.touchCount > 1) { 您的代码存在以下问题if (Input.touchCount > 1) {

You are only checking if touch is more than 1 . 仅在检查触摸是否大于1

You should be checking if touch is more or equals to 1 : if (Input.touchCount >= 1) 您应该检查touch if (Input.touchCount >= 1)或等于1if (Input.touchCount >= 1)

OR 要么

If touch is more than 0 : if (Input.touchCount > 0) . 如果touch大于0if (Input.touchCount > 0)

Any one of this should solve your problem. 任何一种都可以解决您的问题。

Finally, it is not guaranteed that the touched GameObject will have the touchableGameObject script attached to it. 最后,不能保证被触摸的GameObject会附加上touchableGameObject脚本。 Because of it this, you must check if GetComponent<touchableGameObject>() is null before calling its Touched() function. 因此,在调用其Touched()函数之前,必须检查GetComponent<touchableGameObject>()是否为null Please capitalize the name of your scripts. 请大写脚本名称。 This will make it easier for you to identify a script and a variable name. 这将使您更容易识别脚本和变量名。

protected virtual void Update()
    if (Input.touchCount >= 1)
        if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Stationary)
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.touches[0].position);
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100.0f))
                touchedObject = hit.transform.gameObject;

                touchableGameObject touchScript = touchedObject.GetComponent<touchableGameObject>();
                if (touchScript != null)

                print("GetMouseButtonDown on nothing");

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