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[英]PHP sort array substring

I want to sort this array by year:我想按年份对这个数组进行排序:

    [0] => data/pictures/alice/1980
    [1] => data/pictures/alice/1985
    [2] => data/pictures/bob/1981
    [3] => data/pictures/bob/1985
    [4] => data/pictures/bob/1987
    [5] => data/pictures/bob/1989

Expected result:预期结果:

    [0] => data/pictures/alice/1980
    [1] => data/pictures/bob/1981
    [2] => data/pictures/alice/1985
    [3] => data/pictures/bob/1985
    [4] => data/pictures/bob/1987
    [5] => data/pictures/bob/1989

I've already tried different sort functions without success.我已经尝试过不同的排序功能但没有成功。


asort($paths, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE);

sort($path, SORT_NUMERIC);


array_multisort(array_map('basename', $paths), SORT_ASC, $paths);

Try this尝试这个

function cmp($a, $b) {
   // if equal, don't do much
   if ($a == $b) {
       return 0;

   $explodedA = explode('/', $a);
   $explodedB = explode('/', $b);
   $yearPartA = $explodedA[count($explodedA) - 1];
   $yearPartB = $explodedB[count($explodedB) - 1];

   if ($explodedPartA == $explodedPartB) { // compare full string
      return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;

   return ($yearPartA < $yearPartB) ? -1 : 1;

// actual sort of the array $path (e.g. the whole point)
usort($path, "cmp");

Consider, however that you'd probably be doing 'explode' several times for each array element and that it might be cheaper to work a bit on the array first.但是,请考虑一下,您可能会对每个数组元素进行多次“分解”,并且首先对数组进行一些操作可能会更便宜。 Not sure how big your array is... Do some testing.不确定你的阵列有多大...做一些测试。

$array = ['data/pictures/alice/1980','data/pictures/alice/1985','data/pictures/bob/1981','data/pictures/bob/1985','data/pictures/bob/1987','data/pictures/bob/1989'];

uasort($array, function($a,$b) {
    $y1 = array_pop(explode('/', $a));
    $y2 = array_pop(explode('/', $b));
    if($y1===$y2) {
       // if year the same use other criteria
       if($a===$b) {
          return 0;
       return $a>$b?-1:1;
    return $y1>$y2?-1:1;


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