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带有序列化程序的 Symfony JsonResponse

[英]Symfony JsonResponse with Serializer

I have a small problem.我有一个小问题。 Maybe someone have an a idea.也许有人有一个想法。

I use Serializer in the following way.我按以下方式使用序列化程序。 The problem that function json_encode is applied two times.函数 json_encode 被应用两次的问题。

First when i call $serializer->serialize($post, 'json');首先当我调用 $serializer->serialize($post, 'json');

Second time in $response->setData();第二次在 $response->setData();

So, to decode i need call function two times.所以,要解码我需要调用函数两次。

Any ideas?有什么想法吗?

$encoders = [
    new JsonEncoder()
$normalizer = new ObjectNormalizer();
$normalizer->setCircularReferenceHandler(function ($object) {
    return $object->getId();
$normalizers = [$normalizer];
$serializer  = new Serializer($normalizers, $encoders);

$response = new JsonResponse();
    'status' => true,
    'data'   => $serializer->serialize($post, 'json')

return $response;

The object is encoded twice because you use a jsonresponse, use a simple response instead.该对象被编码两次,因为您使用了 jsonresponse,请改用简单的响应。 In addition encode the entire data, not only part of them .另外对整个数据进行编码,而不仅仅是其中的一部分。 As example:例如:

$responseData = [
    'status' => true,
    'data'   => $post

$response = new Response(
   $serializer->serialize($$responseData, 'json'),
   ['Content-type' => 'application/json']

return $response:

Hope this help希望这有帮助

要返回 json string而不是array使用JsonResponse::fromJsonString方法:

return JsonResponse::fromJsonString($serializer->serialize($data, 'json'));

Here is a "pure" symfony answer, with the JsonResponse helper :这是一个“纯”的 symfony 答案,带有 JsonResponse 助手:

$doctors= $this->doctorsRepository->findBy_Name("dummy name"); // returns "Result" and NOT an "ArrayResult"

return new JsonResponse(
    $serializer->serialize($doctors, 'json', [
        ObjectNormalizer::GROUPS => ['for_importing_some_specific_fields']
    ]), // your serialized json but as a 'string' json
    200, // equivalent code for Response::HTTP_OK (success) 
    [], // headers (by default it is application/json because of the Jsonresponse class)
    true // already a json string so convert it to a json Object

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