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[英]python - read email from postfix in python on linux

I'm very new to postfix and python. 我对postfix和python很陌生。 I've setup postfix on Ubuntu and have configured the main.cf with mailbox_command = /home/someuser/test.py 我已经在Ubuntu上安装Postfix和配置了main.cfmailbox_command = /home/someuser/test.py

test.py: test.py:

import sys, MySQLdb

email_input = sys.stdin
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",

cur = db.cursor()

sql = "insert into postfix (value) values (%s)"
cur.execute(sql, (email_input,))

I was expecting the content of the email to be inserted into the field but instead I ended up with <open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x7f018b3b40c0> 我原本希望将电子邮件的内容插入到字段中,但是最终我得到了<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x7f018b3b40c0>

How do I get the raw email string from what seems to be that memory address? 如何从该内存地址中获取原始电子邮件字符串?

sys.stdin is an object of type TextIOWrapper and cur.execute is expecting a string. sys.stdin是类型的对象TextIOWrappercur.execute期待一个字符串。 You need to instruct sys.stdin to read input and return the string representing it. 您需要指示sys.stdin读取输入并返回代表它的字符串。 Use either readline or readlines depending on what you're trying to do. 使用readlinereadlines取决于您要执行的操作。

cur.execute(sql, (sys.stdin.readlines(),))

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