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[英]template-size array initialization in initializer list, C++

class Y; //not really relevant

class B

template<int SIZE> class X : public Y
  B array[SIZE];


I would like to call constructor of each element of array[] with this as parameter.我想以此为参数调用 array[] 的每个元素的构造函数。 How can I do that in pretty way?我怎么能以漂亮的方式做到这一点? C++14 and even 17 are OK for me. C++14 甚至 17 对我来说都可以。

One of several approaches:几种方法之一:

template <int SIZE>
class X : public Y
    B array[SIZE];

    template <std::size_t>
    X* that() { return this; } // don't abuse the comma operator

    template <std::size_t... Is>
    X(std::index_sequence<Is...>) : array{ that<Is>()... } {}

    X() : X(std::make_index_sequence<SIZE>{}) {}


There's no "nice" or simple way of doing it with C arrays (or even std::array ).使用 C 数组(甚至std::array )没有“好”或简单的方法。

You can to it very easily if you change to use a std::vector instead.如果您改为使用std::vector ,则可以非常轻松地使用它。 It has a constructor that allows you to set the size and pass the default value for all elements:它有一个构造函数,允许您设置大小为所有元素传递默认值:

template<int SIZE> class X : public Y
    std::vector<B> array;

        : array(SIZE, B(this))

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