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[英]How to load variables in powershell dynamically based on a selection

I am creating a powershell script that is going to be run on different environments. 我正在创建一个将在不同环境中运行的powershell脚本。 Therefore I am creating seperate variable files for each environment so that I can have one main script, and then as many environment scripts as required. 因此,我为每个环境创建了单独的变量文件,以便可以拥有一个主脚本,然后根据需要具有多个环境脚本。

However I have been unable to get powershell to dynamically load my specific environment file 但是我无法获得Powershell动态加载我的特定环境文件

For testing purposes I have two files 为了测试目的,我有两个文件

env-CI.ps1 env-QA.ps1 env-CI.ps1 env-QA.ps1

both files only contain one variable [string] $envName = "CI" and [string] $envName = "QA" respectively. 这两个文件分别只包含一个变量[string] $ envName =“ CI”和[string] $ envName =“ QA”。

I am using a promptForChoice to specify what environment I with to work with, but I just cannot get the scripts to load. 我正在使用hintForForChoice来指定要使用的环境,但是我只是无法加载脚本。

I have read about dot but this does not appear to load the files 我已经阅读过有关点的信息,但这似乎无法加载文件

This is my script file 这是我的脚本文件

function whatEnvironment {
    [string] $answer = ""
    [string] $title = ""
    [string] $message = "What environment are you updating"

    $ci = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&CI", `
        "Update the CI environment."

    $qa = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&QA", `
        "Update the QA Environment."

    $uat = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&UAT", `
        "Update the UAT environment."

    $production = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Production", `
        "Update the Production Environment."
    $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($ci, $qa, $uat, $production)

    :OuterLoop do 
            $answer = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, -1) 

            switch ($answer)
                    0 {
                        . .\environment-CI.ps1  
                        break OuterLoop
                    1 {
                        . .\environment-QA.ps1  
                        break OuterLoop
                    2 {break OuterLoop}
                    3 {break OuterLoop}
    while ($y -ne 100)  
    return $answer

$environment = whatEnvironment
write-host $environment
write-host $envName

No error is thrown, but the file containing the environment variables is not loaded. 不会引发任何错误,但是不会加载包含环境变量的文件。

Do one thing at a time. 一次做一件事。 No weird breaking out of loops and stuff. 没有怪异的循环和东西。 Prompt for the user's decision first, then load the environment file after the user has made a valid choice. 首先提示用户做出决定,然后在用户做出有效选择加载环境文件。

function whatEnvironment {
    [string] $answer = ""
    [string] $title = ""
    [string] $message = "What environment are you updating"

    $ci = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&CI", "Update the CI environment."
    $qa = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&QA", "Update the QA Environment."
    $uat = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&UAT", "Update the UAT environment."
    $production = New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Production", "Update the Production Environment."

    $options = [Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($ci, $qa, $uat, $production)

    do {
        $answer = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, -1)
    } until ($answer -in 1..4)

    switch ($answer) {
        0 { ". .\environment-CI.ps1" }
        1 { ". .\environment-QA.ps1" }

    return $answer

$environment = whatEnvironment
Write-Host $environment

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