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[英]Using Underscore.js to filter and merge json

I have a use case where I need to use underscore.js to filter a JSON. 我有一个用例,其中需要使用underscore.js来过滤JSON。 For example 例如

{ key: 1,country:USA,product:A,price:200}
{key: 1,country:USA,product:B,price:200}
{key: 1,country:UK,product:B,price:300}

I have multiple dimensions for same key. 我为同一个键有多个尺寸。 I need to get the output as follows when i filter USA 我过滤美国时需要获得如下输出

{ key: 1,country:USA,price:400}

and when I filter for product B 当我过滤产品B时

{ key: 1,product:B,price:500}

I'd like to implement this using underscore.js as I believe it is fast compared to pure JS options. 我想使用underscore.js来实现这一点,因为我认为与纯JS选项相比,它的速度很快。

Firstly, try to use underscore _.filter to apply searching with your criteria like product or country. 首先,尝试使用下划线_.filter来根据您的条件(例如产品或国家/地区)应用搜索。

Then do an aggregation based on result from filter by simply use _.each function. 然后,只需使用_.each函数,即可根据过滤器的结果进行汇总。

Finally, you can manipulate your result in _.map function. 最后,您可以在_.map函数中处理结果。

I posted jsfiddle link here, it might help you 我在这里发布了jsfiddle链接,它可能对您有帮助


I'm doing hope this help. 我在希望得到帮助。

I'm assuming you have a typo and test contains an array of objects: 我假设您有一个错字,并且测试包含一个对象数组:

var filtered = JSON.parse(jsonString).test.filter(function(item) { return item.country == 'USA' });
var total = 0;

filtered.forEach(function(item) {
    total += item.price

Don't worry about speed, this would be a micro-optimization, which is not recommended. 不必担心速度,这是微优化,不建议这样做。

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