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[英]Find all uncompressed tables in Teradata

Is there a way to find all the uncompressed tables in teradata ? 有没有办法在Teradata中找到所有未压缩的表?

So far I am doing it manually by using 到目前为止,我是通过手动进行操作的


and checking if a column has COMPRESS keyword. 并检查一列是否具有COMPRESS关键字。 This gets a lot tedious if I have 100s of tables. 如果我有100张桌子,这将变得非常乏味。

Is there a column or table where I can query for such tables something like I can check for Macro - 是否有一列或表格可以查询此类表格,就像可以检查宏一样?

SELECT * FROM dbc.tables WHERE tablekind='M' AND databasename='database'

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

You can find all compressed columns: 您可以找到所有压缩列:

select * from dbc.ColumnsV 
where CompressValueList is not null

To get tables without any compress: 要获取没有任何压缩的表:

SELECT * FROM dbc.TablesV
WHERE TableKind IN ('T', 'O') -- both PI and NoPI tables
AND (DatabaseName, TableName) NOT IN 
   SELECT DatabaseName, TableName 
   FROM dbc.columnsv
   WHERE CompressValueList IS NOT NULL

As you mentioned, compression is more a "column thing" rather than a "table thing", so you'd better check in the column metadata: 如您所提到的,压缩更像是一个“列事物”,而不是“表事物”,因此最好检查列元数据:

That's a possible query (to be improved): 这是一个可能的查询(有待改进):

  select  t.tablename, sum(case when compressvaluelist is null then 0 else 1 end) compressed_cols, count(*) cols  
    from dbc.ColumnsV c join dbc.TablesV t on (c.tablename=t.tablename and c.databasename=t.databasename) 
   where t.databasename='<databasename>'
     and t.tablekind in ('T','O')
   group by 1    
  having compressed_cols=0

You can use dbc table columns for that . 您可以为此使用dbc表列。 Compressible = 'C' will give you those values. 可压缩='C'将为您提供这些值。

select databasename,tablename,columnname,compressible
from dbc.columns
where compressible in ('A','C')

by the way in y our query why you are choosing tablekind='M', it will not return details of table but will return detail of macro. 顺便说一下,在您查询我们为什么要选择tablekind ='M'的查询中,它不会返回表的详细信息,但会返回宏的详细信息。

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