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[英]Add, resize , position ,color change text inside a div using jquery

I'm looking forward to creating a very simple way that allows users to write, resize, position or change the color of a text inside a <div> . 我期待创建一种非常简单的方法,允许用户在<div>内书写,调整大小,定位或更改文本的颜色。 I know jQuery little bit. 我有点了解jQuery。


<div class="canvas">
    <div id ="u-test-id" class="u-test-class"  contenteditable="true">

Here .canvas is a <div> , sometimes it contains an image or another background color. 在这里.canvas是一个<div> ,有时它包含图像或其他背景色。 I already write the code to change the color and background image of that <div class="canvas"> . 我已经写了代码来更改<div class="canvas">的颜色和背景图像。 What I need is that the user can enter the text very easily and he can style it as he wishes . 我需要的是用户可以非常轻松地输入文本,并且可以根据需要设置其样式 Please see the image : 请看图片


This image i capure from mailchimp. 我从mailchimp获得这张图片。 In mailchimp when we creating an template design , it will provide the same thing i wanted . 在mailchimp中,当我们创建模板设计时,它将提供我想要的东西。 Here user can add text , he can rotate text , change font family, color etc . 用户可以在此处添加文本,旋转文本,更改字体系列,颜色等。

Actually the color and font family things , i know how to do this with jquery .But the rotation of the text div is complicated i think. 实际上是颜色和字体系列的东西,我知道如何使用jquery来实现。但是我认为text div的旋转很复杂。 How to do this rotation ? 该如何旋转

Here I am not asking for code, but I want to see a working demo that helps me to understand the working and learn jQuery. 在这里,我不是要代码,而是想看到一个工作示例,该示例可以帮助我理解工作原理并学习jQuery。 Please anyone can give the sample for this work, or suggest any free jQuery plugin or the basic code. 请任何人都可以为此工作提供示例,或建议任何免费的jQuery插件或基本代码。

I found this from jsfiddle . 我是从jsfiddle找到的。 Lets take this scratch and start extending your functionality 让我们从头开始,开始扩展您的功能


<div class='resizable draggable'>
    <h1>Resize Me</h1>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-nw"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-ne"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-sw"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-se"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-n"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-s"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
    <div class="ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-w"></div>

Javascript: Javascript:

        handles: {
            'nw': '.ui-resizable-nw',
            'ne': '.ui-resizable-ne',
            'sw': '.ui-resizable-sw',
            'se': '.ui-resizable-se',
            'n': '.ui-resizable-n',
            'e': '.ui-resizable-e',
            's': '.ui-resizable-s',
            'w': '.ui-resizable-w'
    $( '.draggable' ).draggable().on('click', function(){
        if ( $(this).is('.ui-draggable-dragging') ) {
        } else {
            $(this).draggable( 'option', 'disabled', true );
            $(this).css('cursor', 'text');
    .on('blur', function(){
        $(this).draggable( 'option', 'disabled', false);
        $(this).css('cursor', 'move');


.draggable {
    cursor: move;
.resizable {
    border: 1px dashed #000000;
    position: relative;
    min-height: 50px;
.ui-resizable-handle {
    width: 10px;
    height: 10px;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    position: absolute;
.ui-resizable-nw {
    left: -5px;
    top: -5px;
    cursor: nw-resize;
.ui-resizable-ne {
    top: -5px;
    right: -5px;
    cursor: ne-resize;
.ui-resizable-sw {
    bottom: -5px;
    left: -5px;
    cursor: sw-resize;
.ui-resizable-se {
    bottom: -5px;
    cursor: se-resize;
.ui-resizable-n {
    top: -5px;
    cursor: n-resize;
.ui-resizable-s {
    bottom: -5px;
    left: 50%;
    cursor: s-resize;
.ui-resizable-w {
    top:calc(50% - 5px);
    cursor: w-resize;
.ui-resizable-e {
    top:calc(50% - 5px);
    cursor: e-resize;

what you need is http://jqueryrotate.com/ in conjuction with other functions. 您需要的是http://jqueryrotate.com/以及其他功能。

This example should be improved, but you have this functionalities: 该示例应该进行改进,但是您具有以下功能:

  1. Rotate 旋转
  2. Close
  3. Edit 编辑
  4. Dragg 德拉格
  5. Resize (textarea) 调整大小(文本区域)

Some notes about this example. 有关此示例的一些说明

- Rotate is done by the jqueryrotate.com library. - 旋转由jqueryrotate.com库完成。 in this example I'm using taking 0,0 position to calculate angle, but should be improved to take angle towards the textarea to a better user experience. 在此示例中,我使用了0,0位置来计算角度,但应该进行改进以使它与文本区域成角度,以提供更好的用户体验。

- Resize & edit functions are supported by textarea editable, that will do quite well the job, as when resizing, it automatically resizes its parent wrapper, no need for extra code here. - 可调大小的textarea支持调整大小和编辑功能,这将做得很好,因为调整大小时,它会自动调整其父包装的大小,而无需在此处添加额外的代码。

- Drag is supported by jquery.ui , (perhaps it will be usefull to disable drag when doing rotation, in that case just need to add a flag) . -jquery.ui支持拖动 (也许在旋转时禁用拖动会很有用,在这种情况下,只需添加一个标志即可)。

 //initial rotation, just for test //$(".wrapper").rotate(-45); //let's add draggable functionality $( function() { $( ".wrapper" ).draggable(); } ); //close button action document.getElementById('close').onclick = function() { this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode); return false; }; //rotate button action var rotate = $('#rotate') var dragging = false; rotate.mousedown(function() { dragging = true }) $(document).mouseup(function() { dragging = false }) $(document).mousemove(function(e) { if (dragging) { var mouse_x = e.pageX / 2; var mouse_y = e.pageY / 2; var radians = Math.atan2(mouse_x - 10, mouse_y - 10); var degree = (radians * (180 / Math.PI) * -1) + 90; $(".wrapper").rotate(degree); } }) 
 .wrapper { display: inline-block; position:relative; border: dotted 1px #ccc; } #close { float:left; display:inline-block; padding:2px 5px; background:#ccc; } #rotate { position: absolute; display: inline-block; background-image:url(https://www.iconexperience.com/_img/o_collection_png/green_dark_grey/512x512/plain/rotate_right.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; width: 20px; height: 20px; bottom: -10px; right: -10px; } textarea { margin:15px; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js" integrity="sha256-VazP97ZCwtekAsvgPBSUwPFKdrwD3unUfSGVYrahUqU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="http://cdn.sobekrepository.org/includes/jquery-rotate/2.2/jquery-rotate.min.js"></script> <div class="wrapper"> <span id="close">x</span> <span id="rotate"></span> <textarea contenteditable="true" id="editable">this is a textarea that i will rotate</textarea> </div> 

To rotate div, you can do it in mulitple ways. 要旋转div,可以多种方式进行。 Ideally it should be implemented like the one which is explained in the below link which will support in all the browsers. 理想情况下,它的实现方式应类似于以下链接中说明的那样,它将在所有浏览器中都支持。 How to rotate a div using jQuery 如何使用jQuery旋转div

Hope this helps!!! 希望这可以帮助!!!

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