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每个队列的消耗率最高为每秒25条消息。 我该如何增加呢?

[英]Every queue has a consume rate of at best 25 messages per second. How can I increase this?

I am out of ideas. 我没主意。 I use SenecaJS with Seneca AMQP Transport plugin with NodeJS Microservices. 我将SenecaJS与Seneca AMQP Transport插件与NodeJS Microservices一起使用。

I have at best 25 messages per second and can't find why. 我每秒最多只有25条消息,找不到原因。 I used the exemple of the seneca amqp transport plugin to benchmark this. 我使用了seneca amqp transport插件的示例对此进行了基准测试。 I tested the example on two servers running on Debian, one aws instance running on debian and my macbook pro. 我在运行于Debian的两台服务器,运行于debian的aws实例和我的Macbook Pro上测试了该示例。

I have a delivery rate around 600 - 700 messages per second on my macbook pro. 我的Macbook Pro的传送速度约为每秒600-700条消息。 On debian it's only 25 messages per seconds. 在debian上,每秒只有25条消息。

Here two images showing the issue: 这里有两个图像显示了问题:



What did I missed here? 我在这里错过了什么? It looks like an issue on the OS level or a default configuration. 在操作系统级别或默认配置上看起来像是一个问题。 Can't find anything about this. 找不到任何有关此的信息。

EDIT: Issue discussed here: https://github.com/senecajs/seneca-amqp-transport/issues/63 编辑:这里讨论的问题: https//github.com/senecajs/seneca-amqp-transport/issues/63

I found out why I have this rate. 我发现了为什么有这个比率。 It's because of the tcp delay on Linux OS (Debian for my case). 这是由于Linux操作系统上的tcp延迟(我的情况是Debian)。 Setting the noDelay to true when TCP socket is created fixed the issue. 在创建TCP套接字时将noDelay设置为true可以解决此问题。

More about this issue related to the seneca amqp transport plugin here 更多关于这个问题涉及到塞内卡AMQP运输插件这里

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