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[英]Codeigniter - where primary key is used by child table

I have two tables blog and category , where blog.categoryid=category.id . 我有两个表blogcategory ,其中blog.categoryid=category.id In the below snippet I am obtaining list of active categories with atleast one blog post. 在下面的代码段中,我将获得至少一篇博客文章中的活动类别列表。

$this->db->from('category c');
$this->db->where('c.activefrom <=', date('Y-m-d'));
/* TODO - where category has atleast one blog post */
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result_array();

The above snippet provides the active category list, but I need to achieve list of active categories with atleast one blog post 上面的代码片段提供了活动类别列表,但是我需要通过至少一篇博客文章来获得活动类别列表

If you join (inner join) category table to blog table and group by category.id , then you have a list of categories with at least one blog post. 如果将category表加入(内部加入) blog表并按category.id分组,那么您将拥有一个类别列表,其中至少包含一个博客文章。

Add these lines: 添加这些行:

$this->db->join('blog', 'blog.categoryid = category.id');

More information at: https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide2/database/active_record.html 有关更多信息, 访问: https : //www.codeigniter.com/userguide2/database/active_record.html

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