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部署应用程序时,Octopus Deploy未合并我的转换文件

[英]Octopus Deploy is not merging my transformation file when deploying application

I have 3 transformation files in my mvc project called Web.Debug.config, Web.AWS QA.config, Web.Release.config. 我的mvc项目中有3个转换文件,分别是Web.Debug.config,Web.AWS QA.config,Web.Release.config。 I have an environment called AWS QA. 我有一个称为AWS QA的环境。 在此处输入图片说明 I have checked both Configuration Variables and Configuration transforms in the Enable Features section of my build step, I have also added Web.AWS QA.config => Web.config to my Additional transforms section. 我在构建步骤的“启用功能”部分中检查了“配置变量”和“配置”转换,还向“其他转换”部分添加了Web.AWS QA.config => Web.config。


Yet, when i deploy to the AWS QA environment, i get what is in my normal web.config which is what i use when developing on my local machine, which does not include what i have in Web.AWS QA.config which is what i need. 但是,当我部署到AWS QA环境时,我得到的是正常web.config中的内容,这是在本地计算机上进行开发时使用的内容,而其中不包括Web.AWS QA.config中的内容。我需要。 Am I missing something? 我想念什么吗?

I had the same issue. 我遇到过同样的问题。 Add a powershell script to renam your files in octopus deploy using the Rename-Item command: 使用Rename-Item命令添加Powershell脚本以重命名octopus部署中的文件:

Rename-Item -Path "Web.AWS.QA.Config" -NewName "c:\yourpath\Web.config"

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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