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[英]Python subprocess hangs

I'm executing the following subprocess... 我正在执行以下子流程...

p.call(["./hex2raw", "<", "exploit4.txt", "|", "./rtarget"])

...and it hangs. ...它挂了。

But if I execute kmwe236@kmwe236:~/CS485/prog3/target26$ ./hex2raw < exploit4.txt | ./rtarget 但是,如果我执行kmwe236@kmwe236:~/CS485/prog3/target26$ ./hex2raw < exploit4.txt | ./rtarget kmwe236@kmwe236:~/CS485/prog3/target26$ ./hex2raw < exploit4.txt | ./rtarget then it executes fine. kmwe236@kmwe236:~/CS485/prog3/target26$ ./hex2raw < exploit4.txt | ./rtarget然后执行正常。 Is there something wrong with using the input or piping operator? 使用输入或管道操作器有什么问题吗?

I also tried sp.call(["./hex2raw", "<", "exploit4.txt", "|", "./rtarget"], shell=True) 我也尝试了sp.call(["./hex2raw", "<", "exploit4.txt", "|", "./rtarget"], shell=True)

The entire code looks like this UPDATED WITH SUGGESTIONS 整个代码看起来像这样UPDATED SUGGESTIONS

import subprocess as sp
import pdb

for i in range(4201265,4201323):
    d = hex(i)[2:]
    output = " "
    for i in range(len(d),0,-2):
        output = output + d[i-2:i] + " "

    out_buffer = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" + output + "00 00 00 00"

    text_file = open("exploit4.txt", "w")
    text_file.write("%s" % out_buffer)

 #   sp.call(["./hex2raw", "<", "exploit4.txt", "|", "./rtarget"], shell=True)
    with open("exploit4.txt") as inhandle:
        p = sp.Popen("./hex2raw",stdin=inhandle,stdout=sp.PIPE)
        p2 = sp.Popen("./rtarget",stdin=p.stdout,stdout=sp.PIPE)
        [output,error] = p2.communicate()

I'm getting an error is 我遇到一个错误是

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1327, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error

After debugging it occurs at the fire subprocess call p = sp.Popen("./hex2raw",stdin=inhandle,stdout=sp.PIPE) 调试后,它发生在fire子p = sp.Popen("./hex2raw",stdin=inhandle,stdout=sp.PIPE)调用p = sp.Popen("./hex2raw",stdin=inhandle,stdout=sp.PIPE)

Since you're using redirection and piping, you have to enable shell=True 由于您正在使用重定向和管道,因此必须启用shell=True

sp.call(["./hex2raw", "<", "exploit4.txt", "|", "./rtarget"],shell=True)

but it would be much cleaner to use Popen on both executables and feeding the contents of exploit4.txt as input. 但它是更清洁的使用Popen两个可执行文件和喂养的内容exploit4.txt作为输入。 Example below, adapted to your case: 下面的示例适合您的情况:

import subprocess

    with open("exploit4.txt") as inhandle:
        p = subprocess.Popen("./hex2raw",stdin=inhandle,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        p2 = subprocess.Popen("./rtarget",stdin=p.stdout,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        [output,error] = p2.communicate()
        # checking return codes is also a good idea
        rc2 = p2.wait()
        rc = p.wait()

Explanation: 说明:

  1. open the input file, get its handle inhandle 打开输入文件,得到它的手柄inhandle
  2. open the first subprocess, redirecting stdin with inhandle , and stdout to an output stream. 打开第一inhandle ,使用inhandlestdin重定向,并将stdout重定向到输出流。 Get the pipe handle (p) 获取管柄(p)
  3. open the second subprocess, redirecting stdin with previous process stdout , and stdout to an output stream 打开第二个子进程,将stdin与先前的进程stdout重定向,并将stdout重定向到输出流
  4. let the second process communicate . 让第二个进程进行communicate It will "pull" the first one by consuming its output: both processes work in a pipe fashion 它将通过消耗其输出来“拉”第一个:两个进程都以管道方式工作
  5. get return codes and print the result 获取返回码并打印结果

Note: you get "format error" because one or both executables are actually shell or other non-native executables. 注意:因为一个或两个可执行文件实际上是Shell或其他非本地可执行文件,所以会出现“格式错误”。 In that case, just add the shell=True option to the relevant Popen calls. 在这种情况下,只需将shell=True选项添加到相关的Popen调用中即可。

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