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遍历Ruby中的Hash。 这两个例子有什么区别?

[英]Iterating over a Hash in Ruby. Difference between these two examples?

I am trying to learn a little Ruby. 我正在尝试学习一点Ruby。 Can someone please explain to me the difference between these two examples? 有人可以向我解释这两个例子之间的区别吗?

Say that I have a hash: 说我有一个哈希:

family = { "Homer" => "dad",
  "Marge" => "mom",
  "Lisa" => "sister",
  "Maggie" => "sister",
  "Abe" => "grandpa",
  "Santa's Little Helper" => "dog"

If I iterate like this: 如果我这样迭代:

family.each { |x| puts "#{x}" }

I get this: 我得到这个:

["Homer", "dad"]
["Marge", "mom"]
["Lisa", "sister"]
["Maggie", "sister"]
["Abe", "grandpa"]
["Santa's Little Helper", "dog"]

When I iterate like this: 当我这样迭代时:

family.each { |x, y| puts "#{x}: #{y}" }

I get this: 我得到这个:

Homer: dad
Marge: mom
Lisa: sister
Maggie: sister
Abe: grandpa
Santa's Little Helper: dog

Can someone please explain how the two results differ (what do the square brackets, quotes, commas, colons mean?), and when one might use one vs. the other? 有人可以解释这两个结果有何不同(方括号,引号,逗号,冒号分别是什么意思),以及何时可以使用一个对另一个。 Thank you! 谢谢!

When you iterate a hash, it passes the key , value pair as a parameter in the format of an array of two elements: [key, value] . 迭代哈希时,它将以两个元素的数组格式传递key value对作为参数: [key, value] That is the reason you are seeing ["Homer", "dad"] in your first example, x is being assigned with the array. 这就是在第一个示例中看到["Homer", "dad"]的原因, x被分配了数组。

The second example is the same but in that case you are assigning the pair to x and y . 第二个示例是相同的,但是在这种情况下,您要将该对分配给xy x gets the first element of the array and y the second element, that is called multiple assignment in ruby. x获取数组的第一个元素, y获取第二个元素,在Ruby中称为多重分配

2.2.2 :001 > x = {a: 1}.first
 => [:a, 1] 
2.2.2 :002 > x
 => [:a, 1] 
2.2.2 :003 > x,y ={a: 1}.first
 => [:a, 1] 
2.2.2 :004 > x
 => :a 
2.2.2 :005 > y
 => 1 

In your first example, you're iterating over each complete element of the hash ( x ), and printing it as a single key:value pair, resulting in the bracketed format. 在第一个示例中,您要遍历哈希( x )的每个完整元素,并将其打印为单个key:value对,从而得到方括号格式。

In your second example, you're iterating over each element in the hash again, but specifically splitting that element into the key and value ( x , y ) being fed into the puts statement, and printing them with your own formatting. 在第二个示例中,您将再次遍历哈希中的每个元素,但具体地是将该元素拆分为要放入puts语句中的键和值( xy ),并使用自己的格式进行打印。

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