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Firebase - 当您不知道父键的值时访问子节​​点 - 由childByAutoId()生成

[英]Firebase - accessing child node when you don't know the value of the parent key - generated by childByAutoId()

I have the following structure in my firebase database. 我的firebase数据库中有以下结构。

  "friendRequest" : {
      "uid" : { 
          "-KUT7mxTW7WGLkgrZVM4" : {
              "fromUid" : "uid"

In my iOS app, a user can make a friend request, similar in principle to adding friends on Facebook. 在我的iOS应用程序中,用户可以发出好友请求,原则上类似于在Facebook上添加好友。

I need to access the fromUid property but I don't know the parent key above it which is generated by childByAutoId() (the third line - "-KUT7mxTW7WGLkgrZVM4"). 我需要访问fromUid属性,但我不知道它上面的父键是由childByAutoId()生成的(第三行 - “-KUT7mxTW7WGLkgrZVM4”)。

How can I access the fromUid key to get its value? 如何访问fromUid键以获取其值?

I think you're looking for something like: 我想你正在寻找类似的东西:

   .queryOrdered(byChild: "fromId")
   .queryEqual(toValue: "theUidThatYou'reLookingFor")
   .observeSingleEvent(of: .childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in

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