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提高效率-从字符串C ++解析整数

[英]Increase efficiency - parse integers from string C++

I have a string: 我有一个字符串:

12:56:72 12:56:72

I need to get the 3 numbers ( 12 , 56 , and 72 ) individually. 我需要分别得到了3个数字(12,56,72)。

I am doing: 我在做:

int i=0,j=0,k=0,n, p[3]; // p[i] stores each ith value
char x[], b[];
            char temp[] = b;
            b=new char[];
            delete temp;

Can this be done more efficiently? 可以更有效地完成吗?

To be "more efficient", you will have to profile. 要“更高效”,您必须进行概要分析。

Here is another solution: 这是另一种解决方案:

const std::string test_data("01:23:45");
unsigned int hours;
unsigned int minutes;
unsigned int seconds;
char separator;
std::istringstream input(test_data);
// Here's the parsing part
input >> hours >> separator >> minutes >> separator >> seconds;

Whether this is "more efficient" or not, must be measured. 必须衡量这是否“更有效”。
It looks simpler and safer. 看起来更简单,更安全。

Edit 1: Method 2 编辑1:方法2
Processors don't like loops or branches, so we can try to minimize. 处理器不喜欢循环或分支,因此我们可以尝试最小化。 This optimization assumes perfect input as a string. 此优化假定完美输入为字符串。

static const char test_data[] = "01:23:45";
unsigned int hours;
unsigned int minutes;
unsigned int seconds;
char c;
unsigned int index = 0;
hours = test_data[index++] - '0';
if (test_data[index] != ':')
  hours = hours * 10 + test_data[index++] - '0';
++index; // Skip ':'
minutes = test_data[index++] - '0';
if (test_data[index] != ':')
  minutes = minutes * 10 + test_data[index++] - '0';
++index; // Skip ':'
seconds = test_data[index++] - '0';
if (test_data[index] != ':')
  seconds = seconds * 10 + test_data[index++] - '0';

For highest optimizations, you have to make some assumptions. 为了获得最高的优化,您必须做一些假设。 Another assumption is that the character encoding is UTF8 or ASCII, eg '1' - '0' == 1. 另一个假设是字符编码为UTF8或ASCII,例如'1'-'0'== 1。

Since you are reading the data in from a file stream you can use the operator >> of that stream to your advantage. 由于您正在从文件流中读取数据,因此可以使用该流的operator >>来发挥自己的优势。 When it inputs data into a int it will keep reading the file until it hits a character that would be invalid for an int . 当它向int输入数据时,它将继续读取文件,直到它遇到对int无效的字符为止。 This meas it will read the integer part and leave the colon in the file. 这种测量将读取整数部分并将冒号保留在文件中。 Because of this behavior we can use 由于这种行为,我们可以使用

ifstream fin("filename.ext");
int a, b, c;
char colon;
while(fin >> a >> colon >> b >> colon >> c)
    // do stuff with a, b and c

And this will read file line by line as long as the file has lines in the format of 12:56:72 . 只要文件中的行格式为12:56:72 ,它就会逐行读取文件。

It looks like a clock, but still, you can scan strings with sscanf: 它看起来像一个时钟,但是仍然可以使用sscanf扫描字符串:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   char myclock[] = "10:11:12";
   int hours, minutes, seconds;
   sscanf(myclock, "%d:%d:%d", &hours, &minutes, &seconds);
   cout << hours << endl;
   cout << minutes << endl;
   cout << seconds << endl;
   return 0;

You could consider using C++ functions. 您可以考虑使用C ++函数。

#include <string>
#include  <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    size_t i=0,j=0,k=0, p[3]; // p[i] stores each ith value
    string x("12:34:56");
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
        p[j] = stoi(x.substr(k), &i);
        k += i+1;

    for (j =0; j < 3; j++)
        cout << p[j] << endl;

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