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[英]Single page with multiple states controlled by URL

tried searching around for this, but having a hard time coming up with the right terms for what I'm looking for. 尝试搜索此内容,但是很难找到适合我所要查找的术语。

Basically, I want to be able to display a specific page state (show/hide a div) based on the URL. 基本上,我希望能够基于URL显示特定的页面状态(显示/隐藏div)。

I have a single page that has 3 divs, and there is a group of radio buttons that targets the associated div, adds a show/hide class to its container, and also modifies the URL in the address bar to match the current view. 我有一个包含3个div的页面,并且有一组针对相关div的单选按钮,在其容器中添加了show / hide类,还修改了地址栏中的URL以匹配当前视图。

Example: 例:

  • localhost:8888/account/orders/history 本地主机:8888 /帐户/订单/历史记录
  • localhost:8888/account/orders/recurring 本地主机:8888 /帐户/订单/重复
  • localhost:8888/account/orders/feedback 本地主机:8888 /帐户/订单/反馈

The only file that exists is /account/orders/index.php though. 但是,存在的唯一文件是/account/orders/index.php

My markup for these buttons is like this: 我对这些按钮的标记如下:

<div class="sidebar__group">
  <div class="tab__group is--vertical" data-target="#ordersContent">
    <label class="tab" value="history">
      <input type="radio" name="ordersTabs">
      <span><a class="link">Order History</a></span>
    <label class="tab" value="recurring">
      <input type="radio" name="ordersTabs">
      <span><a class="link">Recurring Orders</a></span>
    <label class="tab" value="feedback">
      <input type="radio" name="ordersTabs">
      <span><a class="link">Rate Vendors</a></span>

.tab__group 's data-target attribute is the container div that gets the correct show/hide div based on each radio input's value. .tab__group的data-target属性是容器div,该容器div根据每个无线电输入的值获取正确的显示/隐藏div。 The value is what is appended to the URL. 该值是附加到URL的内容。

Here's the jQuery that controls it: 这是控制它的jQuery:

$('.tab').on('click', function(e){
  var targetState = $(this).attr('value');
  if (!$(this).children('input').is(':checked')){
      var states = $(this).parents('.tab__group').find('.tab').map(function(){
        return $(this).attr('value');
      }), string = [];

      $.each(states, function(index, value){
          var state = value;

      var classes = string.join(' '),
      groupTarget = $(this).closest('.tab__group').data('target');
      $(this).children('input').prop("checked", true);

      // Add the appropriate state to the current url
      window.history.pushState("string", "Title", targetState);

What's strange is that when I'm running this locally, it all works fine. 奇怪的是,当我在本地运行时,一切正常。 But when running on a live server, I get a "Not Found" error. 但是在实时服务器上运行时,出现“未找到”错误。 I'm guessing this is because there's nothing actually at the above URLs. 我猜这是因为上面的URL实际上没有任何内容。 Is there a way to force it to go to the main index.php page? 有没有一种方法可以强迫它进入index.php主页?

So the solution was to use mod_rewrite. 因此解决方案是使用mod_rewrite。 Here's an example htaccess file: 这是一个htaccess文件示例:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} path/
RewriteRule ^path/to/state$ path/to/ [L]

^path/to/state$ is the URL that will be rewritten path/to/ is what it's rewritten to. ^path/to/state$是将被重写的URL path/to/是被重写的URL。

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