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[英]Why angular not binding Data in ng-model

Here I'm getting data from the database and I also trace that data from Fiddler but when I'm trying to bind data in an angular table it's not binding 在这里,我从数据库中获取数据,也从Fiddler中跟踪该数据,但是当我尝试将数据绑定到角度表中时,它没有绑定

Linq Query Linq查询

public JsonResult GetSalesData()
            using (Ctxdb dc = new Ctxdb())

                var v = (from a in dc.SalesRecords
                         group a by a.SalesDate.Year into g
                         select new
                             Year = g.Key,
                             Electronics = g.Sum(a => a.Electronics),
                             BookAndMedia = g.Sum(a => a.BookAndMedia),
                             HomeAndKitchen = g.Sum(a => a.HomeAndKitchen)
                if (v != null)
                    var chartData = new object[v.Count() + 1];
                    chartData[0] = new object[]{
                "Book and Media",
                "Home and KitchenKFC"
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (var i in v)
                        chartData[j] = new object[] { i.Year.ToString(), i.Electronics, i.BookAndMedia, i.HomeAndKitchen };}
 return new JsonResult { Data = chartData, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };}}
return new JsonResult { Data = null, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };}

Fidller Data 资料

[["Year","Electronics","Book and Media","Home and KitchenKFC"],["1947",99489,46000,26833],["1995",25555,45000,99000],["2011",1584,5685,5566],["2012",12121,1500,1200],["2014",600,5132,2730],["2015",1789,1255,1258]]

Angular Service 角度服务

app.service('MyGraphService', function ($http) {
    this.GetJanu = function () {
        alert('in Service')

        var Sert = $http({
            url: '/Department/GetSalesData',
            method: 'GET',
            data: JSON.stringify(),
            content:{'content-type' :'application/Json'}
        return Sert;

Angular Controller 角度控制器

app.controller('GraphCntrls', function ($scope, MyGraphService) {
    $scope.Btnclick = function () {
        alert('in cntr')
        var tt = MyGraphService.GetJanu();
        tt.then(function (d) {
            $scope.DataGraphf = d.data;

Cshtml Code Cshtml代码


        <div ng-controller="GraphCntrls">

            <input type="button" ng-click="Btnclick()" value="Click"  class="btn btn-success btn-sm"/>

            <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">

                    <th><b>Book and Media</b></th>
                    <th><b>Home and KitchenKFC</b></th>

                @*<tr ng-repeat="datf in DataGraphf">*@


Change the table row to this: 将表行更改为此:

<tr ng-repeat="datf in DataGraphf" ng-if="!$first">

since you are returning an array of arrays, and the first index being table headers. 因为您要返回一个数组数组,并且第一个索引是表头。 you want to hide the first results element with ng-if="!$first" . 您想使用ng-if="!$first"隐藏第一个result元素。 Then your subsequent elements are arrays with 4 values, so you have to use array index to access the properties vs obj.Name. 然后,您的后续元素是具有4个值的数组,因此您必须使用数组索引访问vs.obj.Name属性。

To use obj.Name, you have to return an object instead of an array, eg 要使用obj.Name,必须返回一个对象而不是数组,例如

  "Year": 1230,
  "Electronics": 123,
  "BookAndMedia" : 1234,
  "HomeAndKitche" : 515

the response json would be: 响应json将是:


update: had extra tr tag in original response, shifted ng-if to tr instead 更新:原始响应中有额外的tr标签,将ng-if改为tr

If that's the actual code you're running, it's not going to render the line with your ng-repeat in it because you have it commented out server-side. 如果这是您正在运行的实际代码,则不会渲染其中包含ng-repeat的行,因为您已将其注释到服务器端。

Edit: 编辑:

Change it to this: 更改为此:

public JsonResult GetSalesData()
    using (Ctxdb dc = new Ctxdb())

        var v = (from a in dc.SalesRecords
                 group a by a.SalesDate.Year into g
                 select new
                     Year = g.Key,
                     Electronics = g.Sum(a => a.Electronics),
                     BookAndMedia = g.Sum(a => a.BookAndMedia),
                     HomeAndKitchen = g.Sum(a => a.HomeAndKitchen)
        if (v != null)
            var chartData = new object[v.Count()];
            int j = 0;
            foreach (var i in v)
                chartData[j] = new object { Year = i.Year, Electronics = i.Electronics, BookAndMedia = i.BookAndMedia, HomeAndKitchen = i.HomeAndKitchen };
            return new JsonResult { Data = new {
                Fields = new string[] {"Year", "Electronics", "Books and Media", "Home and KitchenKFC"},
                Data = chartData
            } , JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };
    return new JsonResult { Data = null, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };

and your Angular code to this: 和你的Angular代码:

<tr ng-repeat="datf in DataGraphf.Fields">
<tr ng-repeat="datf in DataGraphf.Data">

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