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如何在React Native中实现像CoordinatorLayout这样的东西?

[英]How to achieve something like CoordinatorLayout in React Native?

I want to achieve a behavior like android's CoordinatorLayout enter always for my ToolBar i tried too many solutions some did work but not fully like https://github.com/maolion/mao-rn-android-kit which is really cool but with one setback as it doesn't work with ListView i also tried Animated but the scroll event throttle on android is just not working most of the times it does not even work. 我想实现像android的CoordinatorLayout这样的行为总是为我的ToolBar输入我试过太多的解决方案一些确实有效但不完全像https://github.com/maolion/mao-rn-android-kit这真的很酷但是有一个因为它不能与ListView一起使用我也尝试过Animated但是android上的滚动事件限制只是在大多数情况下都不起作用它甚至都不起作用。

Using mao-rn-android-kit 使用mao-rn-android-kit

<CoordinatorLayoutAndroid ref={(component) => this.coordinatorLayout = component} fitsSystemWindows={false}>
                            width: 'match_parent',
                            height: 112
        style={{ backgroundColor:"#528eff" }}>
        <View layoutParams={{height: 56, width: this.windowWidth, scrollFlags: (
                                    AppBarLayoutAndroid.SCROLL_FLAG_SCROLL |
                                    AppBarLayoutAndroid.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTRY_ALWAYS)}} style={{height: 56}}>
                onIconClicked={() => this._goBack()}
                onActionSelected={() => {}}
                actions={[{title: 'Search', icon: images.search, show: 'always'}]}
                style={[{backgroundColor: '#528eff', width: this.windowWidth, height: 56}]}/>
        <View layoutParams={{height: 56, width: this.windowWidth}}
              style={{flex: 0, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', width: this.windowWidth, backgroundColor: '#528eff'}}>
            <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.getDocuments('high')}
                              style={[styles.highNormalLowDocListHeaderStateTextContainer, highSelected.borderStyle]}>
                    style={[styles.highNormalLowDocListHeaderStateText, highSelected.textStyle]}>HIGH</Text>
            <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.getDocuments('normal')}
                              style={[styles.highNormalLowDocListHeaderStateTextContainer, normalSelected.borderStyle]}>
                    style={[styles.highNormalLowDocListHeaderStateText, normalSelected.textStyle]}>NORMAL</Text>
            <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.getDocuments('low')}
                              style={[styles.highNormalLowDocListHeaderStateTextContainer, lowSelected.borderStyle]}>
                    style={[styles.highNormalLowDocListHeaderStateText, lowSelected.textStyle]}>LOW</Text>
        ref={(component) => this.contentLayout = component}
        style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'transparent', height: this.windowHeight - 150}}>
            style={{height: this.windowHeight - 150, overflow: 'hidden'}}
            renderRow={(rowData) => this._renderRow(rowData)}

The key to reacting to the scroll position fluidly is using Animated.event along with the onScroll to update an Animated.value 流畅地onScroll滚动位置的关键是使用Animated.eventonScroll来更新Animated.value

getInitialState: function() {
    return {
        scrollY: new Animated.Value(0)
render() {
    return (
                                 {y: this.state.scrollY}
    // etc ...

I could then call interpolate on this.state.scrollY and feed this value into a transform style on another component that I wanted to update as the ScrollView scrolled. 然后,我可以在this.state.scrollY上调用interpolate ,并将此值提供给另一个组件上的transform样式,我想在ScrollView滚动时更新该组件。

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