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[英]Disable JButton from another class

I'm trying to disabling button while using Input Verifier at the same time. 我试图在同时使用Input Verifier时禁用按钮。 I wanted to disable button when textfields are empty. 我想在文本字段为空时禁用按钮。 Here's how I do it. 这是我的方法。

AddEmployee.class AddEmployee.class

public class AddEmployee extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame
    public JButton getJButton()
        return addEmployeeButton;

    public void setJButton(JButton buttonObject)
        buttonObject = addEmployeeButton;

ValidateComponents.class ValidateComponents.class

public class ValidateComponents extends InputVerifier
   public void disable(JButton name)
       AddEmployee employee = new AddEmployee();

public boolean verify(JComponent input) 
    String tf = null;
    String ta = null;
    String name = input.getName(); //GETTING THE NAME OF THE COMPONENT
    if(input instanceof JTextField)
        tf = ((JTextField) input).getText();

        if(name.equals("tfLastName") || name.equals("tfFirstName") || name.equals("tfMiddleName") || name.equals("tfNickname") || name.equals("tfGuardianContactName"))
            if(tf.trim().length() == 0 || tf.equals(""))
                input.setBackground(Color.PINK);//Set background color to pink if false.
                input.setToolTipText("Fields cannot left blank");
                return false;//Return false if the component need to keep focus

Is it valid to call the disable() method under my if condition? 在if条件下调用disable()方法是否有效? So it can call if textfields are empty. 因此,如果文本字段为空,它可以调用。 Any help would appreciated! 任何帮助,将不胜感激! Thanks :) 谢谢 :)

Update: 更新:

public class ValidateComponents extends InputVerifier
      private AddEmployee employee = new AddEmployee();
      JButton myButton;
      public void disable(JButton name, boolean disable)
        myButton = name;

public boolean verify(JComponent input) 
    String tf = null;

    String name = input.getName(); //GETTING THE NAME OF THE COMPONENT
    if(input instanceof JTextField)
        tf = ((JTextField) input).getText();

        if(name.equals("tfLastName") || name.equals("tfFirstName") || name.equals("tfMiddleName") || name.equals("tfNickname") || name.equals("tfGuardianContactName"))
            boolean valid = tf.trim().length() > 0;

            disable(myButton, !valid);
                input.setBackground(Color.PINK);//Set background color to pink if false.
                input.setToolTipText("Fields cannot left blank");
                return false;//Return false if the component need to keep focus

Your class should be modify just a bit to be more flexible 您的班级应该稍作修改以更加灵活

private AddEmployee employee = new AddEmployee();

public void disable(JButton name, boolean disable){
    name.setEnabled(!disable); //NOT because yours is called disable and Swing's is called enabled ;)

From this, you can easily change the status of a button. 由此,您可以轻松更改按钮的状态。 The question is, why do you need to add this to AddEmployee ? 问题是,为什么需要将此添加到AddEmployee Use you verifier to create a boolean (valid per example) that will tell if a button should or not be enabled. 使用验证程序创建一个布尔值(每个示例有效),该布尔值将告诉您是否应该启用按钮。 If you don't, you will never reactivate the button. 如果您不这样做,则永远不会重新激活该按钮。

if(name.equals("tfLastName") || name.equals("tfFirstName") || name.equals("tfMiddleName") || name.equals("tfNickname") || name.equals("tfGuardianContactName"))
            boolean valid = tf.trim().length() > 0; //Change the sign here and no need for the following > || tf.equals("")
                input.setBackground(Color.PINK);//Set background color to pink if false.
                input.setToolTipText("Fields cannot left blank");
                return false;//Return false if the component need to keep focus
            } else {
                // ADD THE VALID CASE HERE

Just a note, you should send the instance you want to check to your verifier and store those in a Collection, then for an input , check if you have the same instance in the collection (say a List), this will be cleaner than checking the names ;) 仅需注意,您应该将要检查的实例发送到验证程序并将其存储在Collection中,然后作为input ,检查集合中是否有相同的实例(例如List),这比检查要干净名字 ;)

public class ValidateComponents extends InputVerifier
    JButton myButton;

    public ValidateComponents(JButton button)
        this.myButton = button;



You just need to set the button when you create your instance of ValidateComponents. 创建ValidateComponents实例时,只需设置按钮即可。

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