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将Akka Streams连接到JMS

[英]Connect Akka Streams to JMS

I'm trying to connect to a Universal Messaging queue (by Software AG) via Akka Streams. 我正在尝试通过Akka Streams连接到Universal Messaging队列(由Software AG提供)。 I have looked in the doc of Akka Streams regarding the Camel integrations, but I'm struggling with understanding how the components fit together. 我查看了Akka Streams关于Camel集成的文档,但我正在努力理解组件如何组合在一起。 For instance, do I have to use ActiveMQ as a broker? 例如,我是否必须使用ActiveMQ作为经纪人?

I have previously set up a connection via MQTT (and Spark's MQTTUtils) but since I want to try out Akka I don't think MQTT via TCP is necessary. 我以前通过MQTT(和Spark的MQTTUtils)建立了连接,但由于我想尝试Akka,我不认为通过TCP的MQTT是必要的。 [It is recommended}( http://tech.forums.softwareag.com/techjforum/posts/list/55887.page ) that I use JMS instead of another protocol, especially with third-party tools. [建议}( http://tech.forums.softwareag.com/techjforum/posts/list/55887.page )我使用JMS而不是其他协议,特别是第三方工具。 Hence my question regarding the proper setup of Akka Streams to UM via JMS. 因此我的问题是通过JMS正确设置Akka Streams到UM。

The recommendation is to move away from Camel and leverage a fully reactive, akka-streams based solution. 建议远离Camel并利用完全被动的,基于akka流的解决方案。 The Alpakka project was born to collect akka-streams compatible connectors in one bundle. Alpakka项目的诞生是为了在一个捆绑中收集兼容akka-streams的连接器。

It currently contains a JMS connector (as well as AMQP and MQTT connectors). 它目前包含一个JMS连接器(以及AMQP和MQTT连接器)。 Further info: 更多信息:

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