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[英]Repository Pattern: Dealing with Identical Repositories

I have four very similar but hierarchical entities. 我有四个非常相似但层次分明的实体。 Each one has a foreign key to the previous and contains collections of the next ones. 每个都有一个以前的外键,并包含下一个的集合。

Part of entity 实体的一部分

Right now, these entities have four identical repositories: 现在,这些实体有四个相同的存储库:

Repository 知识库

The implementations of the two methods will differ slightly for each. 两种方法的实现方式各有所不同。

Is there a design pattern that will allow me to merge all four into one while at the same time allowing me to extend functionality if needed ? 是否有一种设计模式允许我将所有四个合并为一个,同时允许我在需要时扩展功能

I tried to do this: 我试着这样做:

 public class DivisionRepository : IDivisionRepository
    private DbContext dbContext;
    private IDbSet<PrimaryDivision> primaryDivisionsEntitySet;
    private IDbSet<SecondaryDivision> secondaryDivisionsEntitySet;
    private IDbSet<TertiaryDivision> tertiaryDivisionsEntitySet;
    private IDbSet<QuaternaryDivision> quaternaryDivisionsEntitySet;

    public DivisionRepository(DbContext dbContext)
        this.dbContext = dbContext;
        this.primaryDivisionsEntitySet = dbContext.Set<PrimaryDivision>();
        this.secondaryDivisionsEntitySet = dbContext.Set<SecondaryDivision>();
        this.tertiaryDivisionsEntitySet = dbContext.Set<TertiaryDivision>();
        this.quaternaryDivisionsEntitySet = dbContext.Set<QuaternaryDivision>();

    public IDivision Find(Type type, object id)
        if (type == typeof(PrimaryDivision))
            return this.primaryDivisionsEntitySet.Find(id);
        else if (type == typeof(SecondaryDivision))
            return this.secondaryDivisionsEntitySet.Find(id);
        else if (type == typeof(TertiaryDivision))
            return this.tertiaryDivisionsEntitySet.Find(id);
        else if (type == typeof(QuaternaryDivision))
            return this.quaternaryDivisionsEntitySet.Find(id);

        throw new ArgumentException("The type provided was incorrect.");

} }

CRUD operations continue in similar fashion. CRUD操作以类似的方式继续。

However, it didn't seem like the most optimal solution, so I reverted back to the hodgepodge of interfaces and classes I have now (two per repository). 然而,它似乎不是最佳解决方案,所以我回到了我现在拥有的接口和类的大杂烩(每个存储库两个)。

Thank you 谢谢

I would do this using what I call a composable repository . 我会使用我称之为可组合的存储库来执行此操作。

public static T SpecialFind(this IQueryable<T> entities, int id) where T: IDivision
    return entities.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Id == id);

usage: 用法:


The benefit of doing this is that it gives really nice reuse patterns, especially with more complex scenarios. 这样做的好处是它提供了非常好的重用模式,特别是对于更复杂的场景。

however if you are absolutely set on a repository pattern the same basic principal applies: 但是,如果您完全设置在存储库模式上,则应用相同的基本主体:

public T Find<T>(object id) where T : IDivision
    return dbContext.Set<T>().Find(id);

Alternately you could put the generic on the whole repository. 或者,您可以将泛型放在整个存储库中。

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