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g ++错误没有这样的文件或目录

[英]g++ error no such file or directory

I keep getting this error when I try to compile a .cpp file in my unix terminal. 当我尝试在unix终端中编译.cpp文件时,我一直收到此错误。

Here is my command: 这是我的命令:

-bash-4.2$ g++ -o test.cpp test

Output: 输出:

g++: error: test: No such file or directory
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.

But, when I type in ls : 但是,当我输入ls


Do I have the wrong version of g++? 我的g ++版本错误吗?

Your command line is wrong. 您的命令行错误。 Try this 尝试这个

g++ -o test test.cpp

The syntax is -o <output-file> , but you had your input file listed there, so g++ was looking for test as an input file. 语法为-o <output-file> ,但是您的输入文件在此处列出,因此g ++一直在寻找test作为输入文件。

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