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[英]gulp-nodemon watch typescript files

I have 2 directories: 我有2个目录:

  • app es5 javascript files compiled by gulp task es5 javascript files compiled by gulp task app es5 javascript files compiled by gulp task

  • src typescript source files src typescript source files

I want to nodemon make start script from app/ restart on any changes in src/ dir. 我想通过src/ dir中的任何更改从app/重新启动启动脚本。 But it doesn't work - App just started, but nodemon doesn't make any reloads on changes. 但这不起作用-应用程序刚刚启动,但是nodemon不会对更改进行任何重新加载。 (Looks like he doesn't watch src/ ) (看起来他不看src/

This is my gulpfile : 这是我的gulpfile

var gulp = require("gulp-help")(require("gulp")),
    ts = require("gulp-typescript"),
    nodemon = require("gulp-nodemon");

 * Build es5 javascript files from typescript sources
gulp.task("compile", function() {
    var project = ts.createProject({
        "target": "ES5",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "removeComments": true,
        "noImplicitAny": false
    return gulp.src("./src/**/*.ts")

 * Call "build" task and start nodemon with watch (autorestart on changes found)
gulp.task("default", ["compile"], function() {
    var stream = nodemon({
        script: "app/",
        watch: "src",
        tasks: ["compile"],
        env: { "DEBUG": "Application,Request,Response" }
    return stream;

In the provided code you are missing the starting file for script: 在提供的代码中,您缺少脚本的起始文件:

The Following script: "app/" needs to be specified to an actual file not a directory. 以下script: "app/"需要指定到实际文件而不是目录。

For example : 例如

Note: make sure you are using the compiled .js file and not a .ts file for the nodemon server. 注意:确保为nodemon服务器使用的是已编译的.js文件,而不是.ts文件。

script : 'app.js'

or you can put a path to make sure you are in the correct location. 或者您可以放置​​一条路径以确保您位于正确的位置。

script : 'app/app.js

What this does it starts the server using the specified file. 这将使用指定的文件启动服务器。 If this does not work I recommend looking at your file structure, in specific where the gulpfile.js file is located. 如果这样做不起作用,建议您查看您的文件结构,特别是gulpfile.js文件所在的位置。 Depending on the location you might not be using the correct path. 根据位置,您可能未使用正确的路径。


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