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SSRS的TRIM替代方法(不是Crystal Reports)

[英]alternative way to TRIM for SSRS (not Crystal Reports)

I imported a report from Crystal to SSRS. 我将报表从Crystal导入到SSRS。

When I run the query in Microsoft Management Console, it throws errors unless I declare variables before the SELECT statement. 在Microsoft管理控制台中运行查询时,除非我在SELECT语句之前声明变量,否则它将引发错误。 When I run the query from Visual Studio, it bypasses these variables and only throws an error on the TRIM function. 当我从Visual Studio运行查询时,它会绕过这些变量,只会在TRIM函数上引发错误。

From what I can tell a JOIN statement may be used instead of a TRIM, but I am not sure. 据我所知,可以使用JOIN语句代替TRIM,但是我不确定。

This is the portion of a where clause that I am trying to change/adapt to work with SSRS, which is throwing an error -- any suggestions appreciated. 这是我试图更改/适应与SSRS一起使用的where子句的一部分,它引发了错误-任何建议都值得赞赏。

Also, I am having issues with the DateSerial in the WHERE clause as follows: 另外,我在WHERE子句中遇到DateSerial的问题,如下所示:

AND (CAST(@StartDate AS Date) <> DateSerial(1900, 01, 01)) AND AND(CAST(@StartDate AS Date)<> DateSerial(1900,01,01))AND

Trim does not work in SQL only in the report expressions you would have to use LTrim and RTrim to make this work. 修剪仅在报表表达式中不能在SQL中工作,您必须使用LTrim和RTrim才能使此工作正常进行。

AND ( ( NOT ( @Status IS NULL ) 
     AND RTrim(LTrim(@Status)) <> 'All' ) 
    (( ( RTrim(Ltrim(@Status)) = 'Completed' ) 

AND RTrim(LTrim(@AssignedTo)) <> 'All' ) 
            AND ( submission.assignedto IN ( @AssignedTo ) )


WHERE  ( @ParameterIds IS NOT NULL or ParameterIds = @ParameterIds )    
           AND @ParameterIds <> 0 ) 
         AND ( requested_table.parameterid IN ( @ParameterIds ) ) ) 
       AND requested_table.columnname = 'INSERT' 
       AND ( ( NOT ( @Parameter2 IS NULL ) 
              AND Trim(@Parameter2) <> 'All' ) 
             AND (( ( Trim(@Parameter2) = 'Completed' ) 
                    AND (( requested_table.columnname = 'Dup' 
                            OR requested_table.columnname = 'IDup' 
                            OR requested_table.columnname = 'W/D' 
                            OR requested_table.columnname = 'Done' 
                            OR requested_table.columnname = 'QA Review Dup' 
                            OR requested_table.columnname = 'X' )) 
                     OR ( requested_table.columnname IN ( @Parameter2 ) ) )) ) 
       AND ( ( @ParameterIds = 0 ) 
             AND ( ( ( NOT ( @StartDate IS NULL ) 
                       AND ( Cast (@StartDate AS DATE) <> 
                             Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) ) 
                     AND ( submission.dateimported >= Datevalue (@StartDate) ) ) 
                   AND ( ( NOT ( @EndDate IS NULL ) 
                           AND ( Cast (@EndDate AS DATE) <> 
                                 Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) 
                         AND ( table.dateimported <= Datevalue (@EndDate) ) 
                       ) ) ) 
       AND ( ( @ParameterIds = 0 ) 
             AND (( ( NOT ( @Parameter5 IS NULL ) 
                    AND Trim(@Parameter5) <> 'All' ) 
                    AND ( table.assignedto IN ( @Parameter5 ) ) )) ) 

Fix the Dateserial and this should work. 修复Dateserial,这应该可以工作。

WHERE  ( @ParameterIds IS NOT NULL or ParameterIds = @ParameterIds )    
       AND (@ParameterIds <> 0 ) 
     AND ( requested_table.parameterid IN ( @ParameterIds ) ) 
   AND requested_table.columnname = 'INSERT' 
   AND ( (  (@Parameter2 IS NOT NULL ) 
          AND LTRIM(RTrim(@Parameter2)) <> 'All' ) 
         AND (( ( LTRIM(RTrim((@Parameter2)) = 'Completed' ) 
                AND (( requested_table.columnname = 'Dup' 
                        OR requested_table.columnname = 'IDup' 
                        OR requested_table.columnname = 'W/D' 
                        OR requested_table.columnname = 'Done' 
                        OR requested_table.columnname = 'QA Review Dup' 
                        OR requested_table.columnname = 'X' )) 
                 OR ( requested_table.columnname IN ( @Parameter2 ) ) )) ) 
   AND ( ( @ParameterIds = 0 ) 
         AND ( ( (  ( @StartDate IS NOT NULL ) 
                   AND ( Cast (@StartDate AS DATE) <> 
                         Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) ) 
                 AND ( submission.dateimported >=  (@StartDate) ) ) 
               AND ( (  ( @EndDate IS NOT NULL ) 
                       AND ( Cast (@EndDate AS DATE) <> 
                             Dateserial(1900, 01, 01) ) 
                     AND ( table.dateimported <=  (@EndDate) ) 
                   ) ) ) 
   AND ( ( @ParameterIds = 0 ) 
         AND (( (  ( @Parameter5 IS NOT NULL ) 
                AND RTRIM(LTrim(@Parameter5)) <> 'All' ) 
                AND ( table.assignedto IN ( @Parameter5 ) ) )) )

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