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[英]No working function ng-class with ng-repeat

I cannot run function in the ng-class. 我无法在ng类中运行函数。 I've copied what I've been doing, could you look for the error? 我已经复制了我一直在做的事情,您可以查找错误吗? What I want to do is to put the bold style on the element selected with a button. 我要做的是将粗体样式放置在通过按钮选择的元素上。 The Angular version is 1.3.4. Angular版本是1.3.4。 Comment 'index' never shows in the console. 注释“索引”从不显示在控制台中。

Html: HTML:

<li ng-repeat="i in getNumber(numsteps) track by $index" 
    ng-class="isActive($index) ">
    {{$index + 1}}

JavaScript: JavaScript:

$scope.it = 0;

$scope.isActive = function(index) {
    if ($scope.it === index) {
        return "bold";

$scope.next = function () {                
    $scope.it = $scope.it < $scope.dataNumsteps
        ? $scope.it + 1
        : $scope.dataNumsteps;


$scope.after = function () {                
    $scope.it = $scope.it > 1 ? $scope.it - 1 : 1

I think your actual problem is the space in your ng-class attribute: ng-class="isActive($index) " 我认为您的实际问题是ng-class属性中的空格: ng-class="isActive($index) "

When removed, it works: http://jsfiddle.net/7pn2un39/ 删除后,它会起作用: http : //jsfiddle.net/7pn2un39/

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