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[英]How to define field value of an annotation from property file

I'm playing with spring and activemq and use the following method to receive messages from message broker: 我正在使用spring和activemq,并使用以下方法从消息代理接收消息:

@JmsListener(destination = "sample.queue")
public void receiveQueue(String text) {

I just thought it would be nice to be able to configure destination from my application.properties . 我只是认为能够从我的application.properties配置destination会很好。 Is there any way to do that ? 有什么办法吗?

Ok, I found the way. 好的,我找到了路。 Suppose message-consumer.destination property from application.properties defines the desired destination, then it would be as simple as this: 假设来自application.properties message-consumer.destination属性定义了所需的目的地,那么它就这么简单:

@JmsListener(destination = "${message-consumer.destination}")
public void receiveQueue(String text) {

Below are my old thoughts on how to externalize queue destination: 以下是我关于如何外部化队列目标的旧想法:

Here is the message consumer. 这是消息使用者。

public class Consumer implements MessageListener {

    public void onMessage(Message message) {


Here is the jms configuration: 这是jms配置:

public class JmsConfiguration implements JmsListenerConfigurer {

    private String destination;

    private MessageListener messageListener;

    public void configureJmsListeners(JmsListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
        SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint endpoint = new SimpleJmsListenerEndpoint();

I don't think you can add a variable to this but even if you can I think a better solution is to use a DestinationResolver as this is what the destination is used for. 我认为您不能为此添加变量,但是即使您认为更好的解决方案是使用DestinationResolver,因为这是目标的用途。

There is some explanation of this in the Spring documentation . Spring文档中对此有一些解释。

It's possible by reading the properties file at class level: 可以通过在类级别读取属性文件来实现:

Create a file 'my.properties' in your resources dir: 在资源目录中创建文件“ my.properties”:

destination = sample.queue

And a wrapper class: 还有一个包装类:

public class MyProperties {

    private static final RespourceBundle BUNDLE = RespourceBundle.getBundle("/my.properties");

    public static String destination() {
        return BUNDLE.getProperty("destination");

Then change your code like this: 然后像这样更改代码:

@JmsListener(destination = MyProperties.destination())
public void receiveQueue(String text) {

Haven't tested it, but I think that should work. 还没有测试过,但是我认为应该可以。

EDIT: I'm sure I've used constants in annotations before. 编辑:我确定我之前在注解中使用过常量。 Maybe this static method is causing the problem. 也许此静态方法导致了问题。 Try this: 尝试这个:

public class MyProperties {

    private static final RespourceBundle BUNDLE = RespourceBundle.getBundle("/my.properties");

    public static final String DESTINATION = BUNDLE.getProperty("destination");


and: 和:

@JmsListener(destination = MyProperties.DESTINATION)
public void receiveQueue(String text) {

EDIT: one last attempt 编辑:最后一次尝试

public class MyProperties {

    private static final RespourceBundle BUNDLE = RespourceBundle.getBundle("/my.properties");

    public static final String DESTINATION;

    static {
        DESTINATION = BUNDLE.getProperty("destination");


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