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在脚本中使用Cloud Foundry BOSH命令

[英]Using Cloud Foundry BOSH Command in script

I am using BOSH 1.3232.0, and I want to use bosh commands in sh script. 我正在使用BOSH 1.3232.0,并且我想在sh脚本中使用bosh命令。 below is my script file. 下面是我的脚本文件。 but When I execute it I get command not found error. 但是当我执行它时,我得到命令未找到错误。

echo "Hello World...!"
bosh target

Output 输出量

Hello World...!
test.sh: 3: bosh target: not found

Your script have no problem. 您的脚本没有问题。 You need to check if your bosh cli is well installed. 您需要检查bosh cli是否安装正确。

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