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[英]CronJob on FTP Server on PHP File

I have access on ftp server - host / user / password. 我可以访问ftp服务器-主机/用户/密码。

I want to run a php file from that server - specific time (every 3 days for example) 我想从该服务器运行php文件-具体时间(例如每3天)

How can i make a cron job if i am on windows, and have access on ftp server? 如果我在Windows上并且可以访问ftp服务器,该如何进行cron作业? Only want to run an existing php file from that ftp server every 3 days. 只希望每3天从该ftp服务器运行一个现有的php文件。

Thank you.. 谢谢..

You can't run it through FTP. 您无法通过FTP运行它。 You'll need SSH access and permissions to run crontab (as mentioned by @Elias Van Ootegem) 您需要SSH访问和权限才能运行crontab(如@Elias Van Ootegem所述)

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