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[英]Where should IDBConnection be put to reduce repeated code?

Most Dapper tutorials use a private IDBConnection object to call methods ie 大多数Dapper教程使用私有IDBConnection对象来调用方法,即

private IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(...)

When using ASP.NET and MVC 5, where should I put this so I do not have to repeat it in every controller/repository using Dapper? 当使用ASP.NET和MVC 5时,应该放在哪里,这样就不必在使用Dapper的每个控制器/存储库中都重复它? For instance, is there a way to put this in a startup class and use dependency injection like in ASP.NET Core, or some other technique to access it throughout the application? 例如,是否可以将其放在启动类中并像ASP.NET Core中那样使用依赖项注入,或通过其他方法在整个应用程序中访问它?

Best connection creation mechanism as per my experience is the combination of DependencyInjection and ConnectionFactory . 根据我的经验,最好的连接创建机制是DependencyInjectionConnectionFactory的组合。

Advantages are Multi fold: 多重优势:

  • Create a connection object at runtime in transaction or thread scope 在运行时在事务或线程范围内创建连接对象
  • At runtime change the data provider and thus database of the system ( using Connection Factory) 在运行时更改数据提供程序,从而更改系统的数据库(使用Connection Factory)

What you shall do (in Code): 您应该做什么(用Code):

Declare the IDBConnection object in the Data access Layer: 在数据访问层中声明IDBConnection对象:

[Inject] // Property Injection
public IDBConnection Connection {get; set;}

Declare the binding using a DI framework like Ninject: 使用像Ninject这样的DI框架声明绑定:

Bind<IDBConnection>().ToMethod(ctx => 

Create the DBConnection Factory as follows: 创建DBConnection工厂,如下所示:

Connection factory fetches the Connection provider and connection string from the config file as follows: 连接工厂从配置文件中获取连接提供程序和连接字符串,如下所示:

    <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=<Value>;Initial Catalog=<Value>;User Id=<Value>;Password=<Value>" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Identifier is DefaultConnection , which is using the SqlClient provider, but at run time can be changed to the different client like Oracle, MySql 标识符是DefaultConnection ,它使用SqlClient提供程序,但在运行时可以更改为其他客户端,例如Oracle, MySql

 using System;
 using System.Data.Common;

 public static class ConnectionFactory
        /// <summary>
        /// Create DBConnection type based on provider name and connection string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionIdentifier"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DbConnection CreateDbConnection(string connectionIdentifier)
            // Provider name setting
            var providerNameValue = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionIdentifier].ProviderName;

            // Connection string setting
            var connectionStringValue = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionIdentifier].ConnectionString;

            // Assume failure.
            DbConnection connection;

            // Null connection string cannot be accepted
            if (connectionStringValue == null) return null;

            // Create the DbProviderFactory and DbConnection.
                // Fetch provider factory
                var factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerNameValue);

                // Create Connection
                connection = factory.CreateConnection();

                // Assign connection string
                if (connection != null)
                    connection.ConnectionString = connectionStringValue;
            catch (Exception ex)
                connection = null;
            // Return the connection.
            return connection;

How to use it: 如何使用它:

For a single call and dispose 只需一个电话即可处理


For a Transaction context, use as-is, no using required 对于事务上下文,请按原样using ,而无需using

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