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2D JavaScript数组返回错误“ undefined”

[英]2D javascript array returns the error of “undefined”

I have a 2D array initialized in JavaScript: 我有一个用JavaScript初始化的2D数组:

var staffOnAfternoonDuties = [];
staffOnAfternoonDuties['5'] = [];
staffOnAfternoonDuties['5'][0] = 0;
staffOnAfternoonDuties['5'][1] = 0;
staffOnAfternoonDuties['5'][2] = 0;
staffOnAfternoonDuties['5'][3] = 0;
staffOnAfternoonDuties['5'][4] = 0;
staffOnAfternoonDuties['8'][3] = 0;
staffOnAfternoonDuties['8'][4] = 0;

I am trying to access the values in the array from this select box, inside this jQuery method: 我正在尝试从此jQuery方法内的此选择框访问数组中的值:

<select id="PM_0_6" class="Monday">
    <option value="5">Vacuum</option>
    <option value="6">Polishing</option>
    <option value="7">Elevators / Mail</option>
    <option value="8">Garage</option>                        

    var duty = $(this).val();
    var dayNumber = parseInt($(this).attr("id").substring(3,4));
    var previous = parseInt($(this).data('pre'));
        case 0:
            day = "Monday";
        case 1:
            day = "Tuesday";
        case 2:
            day = "Wednesday";
        case 3:
            day = "Thursday";
        case 4:
            day = "Friday";
    $("." + day +".ad" + duty).css("color", "green");
    $("." + day +".ad" + previous).text("("+staffOnAfternoonDuties[previous][dayNumber]+")");
    $("." + day +".ad" + duty).text("("+staffOnAfternoonDuties[duty][dayNumber]+")");

    $(this).data('pre', $(this).val());

When I execute this, I get this error: 执行此操作时,出现以下错误:

VM74:2011 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

Which references back to this line (and all other lines trying to access the 2D-array): 哪些引用返回此行(以及所有其他尝试访问2D数组的行):


When I log previous and dayNumber, I get values back. 当我记录上一个和dayNumber时,我会返回值。 When I log the array, it displays the object in the expected form. 当我记录数组时,它将以预期的形式显示对象。 Why can I not access it using these variables? 为什么不能使用这些变量访问它?

I think it's your array initialisation that's the problem here. 我认为这是您的阵列初始化问题。 Arrays in JavaScript need an integer index, not a string. JavaScript中的数组需要整数索引,而不是字符串。 It's hard to tell without having the full code to look at, but if you remove the quotes from the first level array indexes, it might work. 没有完整的代码就很难知道,但是如果您从第一级数组索引中删除引号,它可能会起作用。


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