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[英]Read Credit Card With EMV Chip and Write Data Into Web Browser-Based POS Screen

I'm trying to setup a POS screen in a web-based accounting system wherein staff can read either a standard magnetic strip credit card or one with an EMV chip. 我正在尝试在基于Web的会计系统中设置POS屏幕,员工可以在其中读取标准磁条信用卡或带有EMV芯片的信用卡。 From what I've seen, none of the card readers capable of reading chip have keyboard emulation. 据我所知,没有能够读取芯片的读卡器具有键盘仿真功能。 So the issue is being able to read the card data and enter it into fields on a web browser form that is already open to the user. 因此,问题在于能够读取卡数据并将其输入到已经对用户开放的Web浏览器表单上的字段中。

I'm planning to focus on a particular USB reader that has C# .NET and Java SDKs available (also C++, but I am not practiced in developing in that language), but if I have to look elsewhere, I have to look elsewhere. 我打算重点关注具有C#.NET和Java SDK(也可以是C ++,但我没有使用该语言进行开发的实践)的特定USB读取器,但是如果我必须去别处,我必须去别处。 So, utilizing either of those platforms, is there a way to read the data through a .NET or Java device listener and then be able to focus on a field or fields in an already open browser window to enter card data? 因此,利用这些平台中的任何一个,是否有办法通过.NET或Java设备侦听器读取数据,然后能够专注于已经打开的浏览器窗口中的一个或多个字段来输入卡数据?

Or, is there anything available in a specific browser I can work with and force users into using that browser? 或者,在可以使用的特定浏览器中是否有可用的功能,并迫使用户使用该浏览器? I thought about possibly working with ActiveX, but I am under the impression that it is being phased out. 我曾考虑过可能与ActiveX一起使用,但给人的印象是它已被逐步淘汰。 What I have found so far doesn't help me with writing to an already open browser window, just with opening a new browser window altogether. 到目前为止,我发现的内容并不能帮助我写一个已经打开的浏览器窗口,而只是完全打开一个新的浏览器窗口。 Also, based on the nature of the accounting system, I am unable to implement any kind of ASP.NET or Java web app to handle operating the card reader. 另外,基于记帐系统的性质,我无法实现任何类型的ASP.NET或Java Web应用程序来处理读卡器的操作。 It only allows JavaScript customization, which I am pretty is unable to access output from a USB device connected to a PC. 它仅允许JavaScript自定义,我很高兴无法访问连接到PC的USB设备的输出。

I think you're looking for a so-called ' keyboard wedge '. 我认为您正在寻找所谓的“ 键盘楔 ”。 I haven't heard of anything out-of-the-box like that for chip readers. 我还没有听说过像芯片读取器这样的开箱即用产品。

However if all you need is to read the card-number (and not perform full EMV), then you could create one yourself fairly easily. 但是,如果您只需要读取卡号(而不执行完整的EMV),则可以轻松地自己创建一个。 Are you able to create a standalone application (perhaps written in c++) that runs all the time, and can act as the device 'listener'? 您是否能够创建一个始终运行并可以充当设备“侦听器”的独立应用程序(也许是用C ++编写)? Ie using your choice of SDK, wait for card-events and, invoke the command(s) to read the necessary EMV tag ( 5A ?) 即使用您选择的SDK,等待卡片事件,然后调用命令以读取必需的EMV标签( 5A吗?)

You then trigger the keyboard event for each digit in the card number (as explained here ), followed by a [enter] event. 然后,触发卡号每个数字键盘事件(如解释在这里 ),然后是[进入]事件。 With a text-input within your browser having focus, that could effect a simple form submission with the card number. 浏览器中的文本输入具有焦点时,可以使用卡号进行简单的表单提交。

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