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[英]Looping through Nested array

I have a nested array as below. 我有一个嵌套的数组,如下所示。 I am trying to first loop the top level array and get the groupValue and then for every group value I need to loop over the docs array and get the title for each document. 我试图首先循环顶级数组并获取groupValue,然后对于每个组值,我都需要循环遍历docs数组并获取每个文档的标题。

Nested array example: 嵌套数组示例:

[ { groupValue: 'Heading1',
    doclist: { numFound: 958, start: 0, maxScore: 1.2041028, docs: [Object] } },
  { groupValue: 'Heading2',
    doclist: { numFound: 8700, start: 0, maxScore: 0.50214005, docs: [Object] } },
  { groupValue: 'Heading3',
    doclist: { numFound: 1138, start: 0, maxScore: 0.48008662, docs: [Object] } } ]

Expected Output: 预期产量:



I tried the below approach and I was able to return all child elements but I am not sure how to return the heading from the parent array along with the corresponding child elements. 我尝试了以下方法,但能够返回所有子元素,但不确定如何从父数组返回标题以及相应的子元素。

var values=groups.map(function(item,i) {
    let docs=groups[i].doclist.docs
    return docs.map(function(item,i) {
        return (<div key={i}>{docs[i].title}</div>);

Here's an example that should render what you wanted: 这是一个应呈现所需内容的示例:

 class Example extends React.Component { render() { const groups = [{ groupValue: 'Heading1', doclist: { numFound: 958, start: 0, maxScore: 1.2041028, docs: [{title: 'iphone'}, {title: 'samsung'}] } }, { groupValue: 'Heading2', doclist: { numFound: 8700, start: 0, maxScore: 0.50214005, docs: [{title: 'motorola'}, {title: 'ipad'}] } }]; let values = groups.map((item, i) => { let docs = groups[i].doclist.docs; let doc = docs.map((item, i) => <li key={i}>{docs[i].title}</li>); return ( <div> <h3>{groups[i].groupValue}</h3> <ul>{doc}</ul> </div> ); }); return <div>{values}</div>; } } ReactDOM.render(<Example/>, document.getElementById('View')); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.14.0/react.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.14.0/react-dom.min.js"></script> <div id="View"></div> 

<script type="text/javascript">
        var groups = [ { groupValue: 'Heading1',
            doclist: { numFound: 958, start: 0, maxScore: 1.2041028, docs: [Object] } },
            { groupValue: 'Heading2',
                doclist: { numFound: 8700, start: 0, maxScore: 0.50214005, docs: [Object] } },
            { groupValue: 'Heading3',
                doclist: { numFound: 1138, start: 0, maxScore: 0.48008662, docs: [Object] } }];

            // NORMAL LOOPING USING forEach
            groups.forEach(function(a, b){
                var headings    = a.groupValue;
                var docList     = a.doclist;
                var docs        = docList.docs;
                var start       = docList.start;
                var maxScore    = docList.maxScore;
                var numFound    = docList.numFound;
                var docTitle    = docs.title;

                // YOU CAN USE THE VALUES AS YOU WISH...

        var values  = groups.map(function(item, i) {
            let docs        = item.doclist.docs;
            let headings    = item.groupValue;
            let doc         = docs.map(function(objDoc, n){ 
                return (<p key={n}>{objDoc.title}</p>);

            return (
                    <div key={i}>

You could also separate data extraction from render, which will make it more readable. 您还可以将数据提取与渲染分开,这将使其更具可读性。

function prepareData(groups) {
  return groups.map(group => {
    return {
      heading: group.groupValue,
      items: group.doclist.docs.map(doc => doc.title)

Now render 现在渲染

render() {
  const groups = [
    { groupValue: 'Heading1',
      doclist: { numFound: 958, start: 0, maxScore: 1.2041028, docs: [Object] } },
    { groupValue: 'Heading2',
      doclist: { numFound: 8700, start: 0, maxScore: 0.50214005, docs: [Object] } },
    { groupValue: 'Heading3',
      doclist: { numFound: 1138, start: 0, maxScore: 0.48008662, docs: [Object] } }];

  const dataToShow = prepareData(groups);

  return (
       dataToShow.map(group => 
          <ul>{group.items.map(item => <li>{item}</li>}</ul>

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