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[英]Custom sort compare function throws compile error

A custom sort function in C++ on VC++ 2012 throws a compile error for the following code. VC ++ 2012上的C ++中的自定义排序函数会为以下代码引发编译错误。

class Segmenter(){
    vector<vector<float>> scanned;
    void modifyAndSort();
    bool sort_fn(const vector<float>&, const vector<float>&);

void Segmenter::modifyAndSort(){
    // Modify scanned
    // ...

    sort(scanned.begin(), scanned.end(), sort_fn);

bool Segmenter::sort_fn(const vector<float>& x, const vector<float>& y){
    return ((x[0]*x[1]) < (y[0]*y[1]));

The error thrown is: 引发的错误是:

Error   3   error C3867: 'Segmenter::sort_fn': function call missing argument list; use '&Segmenter::sort_fn' to create a pointer to member

You need: 你需要:

sort(scanned.begin(), scanned.end(), std::bind(&Segmenter::sort_fn, this));
//                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Don't forget to #include <functional> . 不要忘记#include <functional>

A couple ways other ways to do this. 其他几种方式可以做到这一点。

We can't just pass in a class method without binding the instance as Kerrek SB does in his answer. 我们不能像Kerrek SB在他的回答中那样,在不绑定实例的情况下传递类方法。 A method will have a hidden this parameter whether you use it or not. 无论是否使用,方法都会隐藏this参数。

In this case it looks like you use it not, so a static method is probably the easiest: 在这种情况下,您似乎没有使用它,因此静态方法可能是最简单的方法:

class Segmenter{
    vector<vector<float>> scanned;
    void modifyAndSort();
    static bool sort_fn(const vector<float>&, const vector<float>&);

void Segmenter::modifyAndSort(){
    // Modify scanned
    // ...

    sort(scanned.begin(), scanned.end(), &sort_fn);
    //                                   ^ note: we need a pointer to the method.

bool Segmenter::sort_fn(const vector<float>& x, const vector<float>& y){
    return ((x[0]*x[1]) < (y[0]*y[1]));

Slightly more and less complicated at the same time option is everybody's close, personal friend the Lambda Function : 同时,每个人的亲密朋友Lambda Function的选择稍微复杂一些,而后者又稍微复杂一些:

class Segmenter
    vector<vector<float>> scanned;
    void modifyAndSort();

void Segmenter::modifyAndSort()
    // Modify scanned
    // ...

         [](const vector<float>& x, const vector<float>& y)->bool
             return ((x[0]*x[1]) < (y[0]*y[1]));

Note: you will need two more Lambdas to get an electric violin solo . 注意:您将需要另外两个Lambda才能获得电子小提琴独奏

std::bind() definitely works. std :: bind()绝对有效。

A simple method with just a struct. 一个只有结构的简单方法。

void Segmenter::modifyAndSort(){
    // Modify scanned
    // ...

    sort(scanned.begin(), scanned.end(), Compare());

struct Compare {

    bool operator()(vector<int> x, vector<int> y) const { 
        return ((x[0]*x[1]) < (y[0]*y[1]));

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