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[英]Emitting signal not updating the values in GUI

I'm trying to make a very basic timetable app just to learn the basics of Qt. 我正在尝试制作一个非常基本的时间表应用程序,以学习Qt的基础知识。 I've researched this quite a bit and cant seem to get an answer to my problem, I emit the signal when I change the value of my subject but the emitting signal does not update the GUI. 我对此进行了相当多的研究,似乎无法得到我的问题的答案,当我改变主题的值但发射信号没有更新GUI时,我发出信号。 It definitely is changing the value in the code but the QML GUI does not update it during run time. 它肯定会改变代码中的值,但QML GUI在运行时不会更新它。

I have a class called Day with the following Q_PROPERTY's: 我有一个名为Day的课程,其中包含以下Q_PROPERTY:

    Q_PROPERTY(Period *getPeriod READ getPeriod WRITE setPeriod NOTIFY periodChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString getDay READ getDay WRITE setDay NOTIFY dayChanged)

and a member to hold the periods 和一个持有期间的成员

    Period *m_period = new Period[10]; //Of type Period (my other class) which holds my subject string

I also have getters and setters for the days and periods(as seen in the Q_PROPERTY) and these two for setting/getting the subject: 我还有日期和时段的getter和setter(如Q_PROPERTY中所示),这两个用于设置/获取主题:

    Q_INVOKABLE QString getSubject(int t){
    return m_period[t].getSub();
    Q_INVOKABLE void setSubject(int t, QString subj){
    emit periodChanged();

With the following signals: 有以下信号:

    void periodChanged();
    void dayChanged();

I also have a class called Period with the following Q_PROPERTY: 我还有一个名为Period的类,其中包含以下Q_PROPERTY:

    Q_PROPERTY(QString getSub READ getSub WRITE setSub NOTIFY subChanged)

and a member to hold the subject names: 以及持有主题名称的成员:

    QString subject;

My Period class hold the functions called in day to actually change the QString subject: 我的Period类保存了在day中调用的函数来实际更改QString主题:

    QString getSub(){
    return subject;
    void setSub(QString sub){
    subject = sub;
    emit subChanged();

With the following signal: 有以下信号:

    void subChanged();

So surely when the subject gets changed using setSubject() in my QML, shouldn't it be emitting the periodChanged() and the subChanged() signals, which should update the GUI? 所以当我在QML中使用setSubject()更改主题时,它是否应该发出periodChanged()和subChanged()信号,这应该更新GUI? I thought it would but it doesn't seem to be working. 我认为它会,但它似乎没有工作。

For reference, this is basically how I implemented it in QML: 作为参考,这基本上是我在QML中实现它的方式:

    Label { text: monday.getSubject(2) } //How I display the Subject, the parameter being the period number

        text: "Enter"
            monday.setSubject(2, "RANDOM_TEXT") //How I set the subject at run time, with the first argument being the period number and second the text I want to change it to

Here are the main and class files: 以下是main和class文件:

main.cpp main.cpp中

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);

qmlRegisterType<Day>("Timetable", 1,0, "Day");
qmlRegisterType<Period>("Timetable", 1,0, "Period");

QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

Day monday;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("monday", &monday);

QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile("main.qml"));

return app.exec();

Day.h Day.h

class Day : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(Period *getPeriod READ getPeriod WRITE setPeriod NOTIFY periodChanged)

        Period *m_period = new Period[10];

    Day(QObject *parent = 0);

    Period* getPeriod();
    Q_INVOKABLE void setPeriod(Period *p);

    Q_INVOKABLE QString getSubject(int t){
    return m_period[t].getSub();
    Q_INVOKABLE void setSubject(int t, QString subj){
    emit periodChanged();

    void periodChanged();

Period.h Period.h

class Period: public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(QString getSub READ getSub WRITE setSub NOTIFY subChanged)

    QString subject;

    Period(QObject *parent = 0);

    QString getSub(){
    return subject;
    void setSub(QString sub){
    subject = sub;
    emit subChanged();

    void subChanged();

main.qml main.qml

ApplicationWindow {
    id: mainWindow
    visible: true
    title: "Timetable App"
    property int margin: 11
    width: mainLayout.implicitWidth + 2 * margin
    height: mainLayout.implicitHeight + 2 * margin
    minimumWidth: 800
    minimumHeight: 600

ColumnLayout {
    id: mainLayout
    anchors.fill: parent
    anchors.margins: margin


        id: timetable
        title: "Timetable"
        Layout.fillWidth: true
        Layout.fillHeight: true

        GridLayout {
            id: gridLayout
            rows: 11
            flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom
            anchors.fill: parent
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true

            Label { }
            Label { text: "8:00" }
            Label { text: ...} // Added Labels for times from 8:00 to 17:00

            Label { text: "Monday" }
            Label { text: monday.getSubject(0) }
            Label { text: monday.getSubject(1) }
            Label { text: ...} // Added Labels to display subjects for monday at different times, also did the same for the rest of the week

            text: "Enter"
                monday.setSubject(1, "RANDOM_TEXT") // Set the second period of monday to "RANDOM_TEXT"
                console.log(monday.getSubject(1)) // To check if actually set

Your problem is that you are retrieving values via method calls in QML, not via property bindings. 您的问题是您通过QML中的方法调用而不是通过属性绑定来检索值。

A QML code like this should update 像这样的QML代码应该更新

text: monday.getPeriod.getSub

Obviously calling properties "getSomething" is a bit weird. 显然,调用属性“getSomething”有点奇怪。

Now, your m_period suggests that a single Day object will have more than one Period , which would suggest that you might want a list property instead of a single Period object. 现在,您的m_period建议单个Day对象将具有多个Period ,这表明您可能需要list属性而不是单个Period对象。 Something like 就像是

Q_PROPERTY(QList<Period*> periods READ getPeriods NOTIFY periodsChanged);

Using that from QML a bit like this 使用QML中的那个有点像这样

text: monday.periods[0].getSub

Or even with eg a Repeater 或者甚至使用例如Repeater

Label { text: "Monday" }
Repeater {
    model: monday.periods

    Label {
        text: modelData.getSub

Not related to your update problem but also important to consider: NOTIFY signals trigger binding updates, so you don't want to emit them unnecessarily. 与您的更新问题无关但也很重要: NOTIFY信号触发绑定更新,因此您不希望不必要地发出它们。 Ie setters that emit those should first check if the new value is actually different than the old value and only emit if they are. 即发出这些值的setter应首先检查新值是否实际上与旧值不同,并且仅在它们发出时才发出。

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