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[英]Passing object attribute to method parameter C#

Lets say I have a person class with name and id and a animal class with the same attributes, and i have a list with persons and animals. 可以说我有一个具有名称和ID的人员类别,以及一个具有相同属性的动物类别,并且我有一个包含人员和动物的清单。 Now i want to make a method for returning the last id from that list and increment it. 现在,我想制作一种从该列表返回最后一个ID并将其递增的方法。 I want to make it universal so i can use it later. 我想使其通用,以便以后使用。

public static int getNextId(List<Object>param)
    int lastId = Int32.Parse(param[param.Count - 1].id);
    if (lastId!=0)
        return lastId++;
    return 0;

but the 'id' is underlined because object does not have id. 但是带下划线的是“ id”,因为对象没有ID。

Edit: 编辑:

something like this in python 像这样的Python

def someMethod(self, someList, attr):
    objAttr = getattr(someObject, attr)
    for(item in someList):
        return item.objAttr

Your approach is not how you handle stuff like this in statically typed languages such as C#. 您的方法不是如何处理诸如C#之类的静态类型的语言。 You can only access properties / fields that are declared on the specific type. 您只能访问在特定类型上声明的属性/字段。 And object does not have a public field or property called id . 而且object没有名为id的公共字段或属性。

There are some ways around this: One would be having a base class that has an id property from which your other classes could inherit: 可以通过以下方法解决:一种方法是拥有一个具有id属性的基类,您的其他类可以从该基类继承:

public class IdHolder
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class Person : IdHolder
    // Person inherits the 'Id' property from IdHolder
    // other properties unique to person...

IdHolder could just as well be an interface or an abstract class - it depends on your specific use case (note that you would have to implement the Id property in each implementing class if you'd chose to make IdHolder an interface). IdHolder也可以是interfaceabstract class -这取决于您的特定用例(请注意,如果您选择将IdHolder为接口,则必须在每个实现类中实现Id属性)。

If you chose to have a base class (or interface, ...) you'd change your method to accept that as a parameter: 如果选择具有基类(或接口,...),则将更改方法以将其接受为参数:

public static int getNextId(List<IdHolder>param)
    int lastId = param[param.Count - 1].Id;
    if (lastId!=0)
        return lastId++;
    return 0;

Another - slightly dirty - option is to use reflection. 另一个(稍微脏一点)的选项是使用反射。 As I don't think that this is a sensible route for you to take, I won't go further into this here. 因为我不认为这是明智的选择,所以在这里我将不做进一步介绍。

I'd advise you to have a look at an intro book into C# as there are some other aspects of your code that don't really follow C# guidelines (eg using camelCase instead of PascalCase). 我建议您看一下C#入门书籍,因为您代码中的某些其他方面并没有真正遵循C#准则(例如,使用camelCase代替PascalCase)。

Create a Person class with a Id Property like this: 创建一个具有Id属性的Person类,如下所示:

public class Person
     public int Id {get; set;}

So you can use: 因此,您可以使用:

public static int getNextId(List<Person>param)
    int lastId = param.Last().Id;
    if (lastId!=0)
        return lastId++;
    return 0;

Another aproach is using interfaces to make "universal" like you said: 另一个方法是使用接口使“通用”成为您所说的:

public interface IId
     int Id {get;set;}

public class Person : IId
     public int Id {get; set;}

public static int getNextId(List<IId>param)
    int lastId = param.Last().Id;
    if (lastId!=0)
        return lastId++;
    return 0;
public static int GetNextId(List<object> param)
    int id = param.OfType<Person>().Last().Id;
    return ++id;

OfType method filters the elements based on a specified type. OfType方法根据指定的类型过滤元素。 Only people will be filtered from the list of people and animals. 从人和动物列表中只会过滤掉人。

Last method returns a last element of a sequence. Last方法返回序列的最后一个元素。

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