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Web调试工具栏未显示symfony 3

[英]Web Debug Toolbar doesn't show up symfony 3

I just follow this tutorial . 我只是按照本教程进行操作 I created a new controller but my web debug toolbar doesn't show up. 我创建了一个新的控制器,但是我的Web调试工具栏没有显示。 I accessed it via app_dev.php file, like , myurl/web/app_dev/contact/ even if i access my url without the contact the web debug toolbar doesn't show up. 我通过app_dev.php文件(例如, myurl/web/app_dev/contact/访问了它,即使我在没有联系的情况下访问我的URL,Web调试工具栏也未显示。

This is my config_dev.yml file: 这是我的config_dev.yml文件:

    - { resource: config.yml }

        resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing_dev.yml"
        strict_requirements: true
    profiler: { only_exceptions: false }

    toolbar: true
    intercept_redirects: false

            type: stream
            path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log"
            level: debug
            channels: [!event]
            type:   console
            channels: [!event, !doctrine]
        # uncomment to get logging in your browser
        # you may have to allow bigger header sizes in your Web server configuration
        #    type:   firephp
        #    level:  info
        #    type:   chromephp
        #    level:  info

#    delivery_address: me@example.com

Do i need to do some extra settings ? 我需要做一些额外的设置吗? I'm totally lost. 我完全迷路了。 Thx in advance. 提前谢谢。

Double check that you are actually accessing app_dev.php. 仔细检查您是否实际上正在访问app_dev.php。 For example try renaming app_dev.php to a new name 'app_dev_temp.php', then try reloading the page. 例如,尝试将app_dev.php重命名为新名称“ app_dev_temp.php”,然后尝试重新加载页面。 If you can still access the page you are not where you think you are. 如果您仍然可以访问该页面,那么您将不在您认为的位置。

Also check your .htaccess file, if you are using a real server instead of the Symfony built in server, by default the htaccess will direct you to the app.php, not the dev version. 还要检查您的.htaccess文件,如果您使用的是真实服务器而不是内置的Symfony服务器,则默认情况下htaccess会将您定向到app.php,而不是dev版本。

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