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[英]Writing list of sublists into file without brackets and separated with “;”

I'm new here (and also in python) so tell me if I do something wrong. 我在这里是新手(也是python),所以请告诉我我做错了什么。 I have a little (I think) problem: I have a list of sublists where all variables (x) are float: 我有一个小问题(我认为):我有一个子列表,其中所有变量(x)都是浮动的:


And I wanto to write to the *txt file without brackets [] and separated by ";" 我想写到不带方括号[]并以“;”分隔的* txt文件中 like this: 像这样:

x11;x12;x13 x11; x12; x13

x21;x22;x23 x21; x22; x23

I tried to do it like this: but i have no idea what should I do next. 我试图这样做:但是我不知道下一步该怎么做。

result.write("\n".join(map(lambda x: str(x), tab)))

A lot of thanks for everyone who will try to help me. 非常感谢所有尝试帮助我的人。

You can use the csv module for this: 您可以为此使用csv模块

import csv

with open("result.txt", "wb") as result:
    writer = csv.writer(result, delimiter=';')

The csv.writer.writerows() method takes a list of lists, and converts floating point values to strings for you. csv.writer.writerows()方法获取列表列表,然后为您将浮点值转换为字符串。

You should use this: 您应该使用此:

result.write("\n".join([';'.join([str(x) for x in item]) for item in tab]))

Or, little simpler: 或者,简单一点:

result.write("\n".join([';'.join(map(str, item)) for item in tab]))

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