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[英]How to execute javascript function from code-behind but only after the page loads

I've found other solution on how to executes a javascript function from code-behind. 我已经找到了关于如何从后台代码执行javascript函数的其他解决方案。 The problem is that it firing before the page loads, so I can't add logic to it. 问题在于它在页面加载之前触发,因此我无法为其添加逻辑。

                                               "Script", "confirmPwdChange();", true);

On the client side 在客户端

     alert("Password has been successfully changed.");
     //Add more logic here, after user clicks the OK button...

No Jquery, if possible. 如果可能,没有Jquery。

Thanks for helping. 感谢您的帮助。

I think you're looking for PageRequestManager 我认为您在寻找PageRequestManager

List of PageRequestManager events PageRequestManager事件列表

var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

// beginRequest: before postback to server

// endRequest: after postback to server

function BeginRequestHandler(sender, args) {
    // do stuff

function EndRequestHandler(sender, args) {
    // do stuff

You might want to include the window.onload in your script file. 您可能希望在脚本文件中包含window.onload。 something like this.. 像这样

StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
script.Append("var existingHandler = window.onload;");
script.Append("window.document.body.onload = function(){ confirmPwdChange(); if (existingHandler){ existingHandler()}}");
                                           "Script", script.ToString(), true);

this ensure, your change password is called on page load and retains any other existing handlers declared already on the page. 这样可以确保在页面加载时调用您的更改密码,并保留页面上已经声明的任何其他现有处理程序。

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