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[英]pytest-bdd: how to get current scenario from @given?

I need to get scenario name or other unique information about currently running test in @given method. 我需要获取场景名称或有关@given方法中当前正在运行的测试的其他唯一信息。

In my test I declare, that I have some resource. 在测试中,我声明自己有一些资源。 This resource is being extracted/created from web api like that: 该资源是从Web API中提取/创建的,如下所示:

@given('I have a new article')
def new_article(vcr_fixture):
    with vcr_fixture.use_cassette('new_article'):  # I need to use different cassette name for different scenarios 
        return create_new_article()

The problem here is that I can have multiple scenarios with different parameters and I would like to use same resource multiple times. 这里的问题是我可以有多个具有不同参数的方案,并且我想多次使用相同的资源。 In this case I need different cassettes for each case. 在这种情况下,我需要为每种情况使用不同的纸盒。 And I can't use those parameters for differentiating between cassettes, as they could be applied after the resource being created (for example, adding comments). 而且我不能使用这些参数来区分录像带,因为它们可以在创建资源后应用(例如,添加注释)。 I tried to add request to the @given fixture, but could not find any unique information in it. 我试图将请求添加到@given固定装置,但是找不到任何唯一信息。

To inspect your scenario name, you can use parsers. 要检查方案名称,可以使用解析器。

from pytest_bdd import parsers

@given(parsers.parse('I have a {article_name}')
def new_article(vcr_fixture, article_name):
    with vcr_fixture.use_cassette(article_name):        
        return create_new_article()

Not sure if this if this answers your question, though.. 不知道这是否可以回答您的问题。

nAlthough what user2292262 suggested works, it doesn't work as one would have expected when start learning pytest-bdd (at least least what I'd have expected). n尽管user2292262提出的建议有效,但它并不像开始学习pytest-bdd时所期望的那样有效(至少是我期望的)。

The solution AIUI is creating a fixture for each article you have among your tests, without automatisms (ie function that create for you the data you need dynamically). AIUI解决方案正在为测试中的每篇文章创建一个夹具,而没有自动性(即为您动态创建所需数据的功能)。

This in a testing context should be reasonably doable, since the data set you have is not the real one, but a subset and the data you have as pre-reqs (the Given verbs) should be even less. 在测试上下文中,这应该是合理可行的,因为您拥有的数据集不是真实的数据集,但是您拥有的子集和作为先决条件(给定动词)的数据应该更少。 You can think of populate the fixtures with a script if this gets out of hand, by querying the DB and writing a templated file accordingly. 您可以考虑使用脚本来填充灯具,方法是查询数据库并相应地编写模板文件。

@given(parsers.parse('I have an article called foo')
def article_foo(vcr_fixture):
    with vcr_fixture.use_cassette('foo'):
         return create_new_article()

@given(parsers.parse('I have an article called bar')
def article_bar(vcr_fixture):
    with vcr_fixture.use_cassette('bar'):
         return create_new_article()


The problem in the 'factory' code of the other solution 另一个解决方案的“工厂”代码中的问题

@given(parsers.parse('I have a {article_name}')
def new_article(vcr_fixture, article_name):
    with vcr_fixture.use_cassette(article_name):        
         return create_new_article()

is that you are still tempted to use it as 是您仍然很想将其用作

Given I have an article called Foo
And I have an article called Bar
When I edit Foo
Then Bar is untouched

but this scenario won't work, because under the curtains you are actually using the same fixture twice but with different 'content' 但这种情况不会起作用,因为您实际上是在窗帘下两次使用相同的灯具,但是使用了不同的“内容”

In other words, with that code someone would 'new_article' for two 'data' instances. 换句话说,有了该代码,有人将为两个“数据”实例提供“ new_article”。 This goes against what pytest likes. 这违背了pytest喜欢的东西。

Also, from a purist point of view, the Given verbs in BDD should be facts, not things that create facts. 同样,从纯粹主义者的角度来看,BDD中的给定动词应该是事实,而不是创造事实的事物。

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