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[英]How can I import python custom class in Anaconda (Jupyter notebook)

I don't manage to find how import custom class in Python with the Jupyter notebook in anaconda. 我无法找到如何在蟒蛇中使用Jupyter笔记本在Python中导入自定义类。

In my work folder I have a file 'user.ipynb' that contains a class name User . 在我的工作文件夹中,我有一个文件'user.ipynb' ,其中包含一个类名User In an other file in the same folder, I try to import this class with : from user import User . 在同一文件夹中的另一个文件中,我尝试使用以下命令导入此类: from user import User

I get this error: ImportError: No module named user. 我收到此错误:ImportError:没有名为用户的模块。

I tried to create a file ' _ _init__.py' and _ _init__.ipynb in this folder but it doesn't work. 我试图在此文件夹中创建文件'_ _init__.py'和_ _ init __。ipynb,但是它不起作用。

Do you know how I could do this ? 你知道我该怎么做吗?

Thank you in advance 先感谢您

Python modules are either files named *.py or directories with an __init__.py in them. Python模块是名为*.py文件或其中带有__init__.py目录。 user.ipynb is neither, it's an IPython (Jupyter) notebook, so it is not a module and you can't import it. user.ipynb都不是,它不是IPython(Jupyter)笔记本,因此它不是模块,您不能导入它。

The easiest way to get this to work is to convert the notebook to a .py file (this can be done using the export function) and then you'll be able to import it. 使此工作最简单的方法是将笔记本转换为.py文件(可以使用导出功能来完成),然后就可以导入它。

An alternative is to provide code that lets you import notebooks directly; 另一种方法是提供使您可以直接导入笔记本的代码。 such code is available here . 这样的代码可以在这里找到 Looks like a lot of bother, though. 看起来很麻烦。 I'm not sure why they didn't just bake this in; 我不确定他们为什么不把它烤进去。 it seems like it would be useful. 似乎很有用。

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