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[英]Unique username with parsley js

I'm trying to use parsley's js custom validator to check for a unique email address on my form. 我正在尝试使用欧芹的js自定义验证器来检查表单上的唯一电子邮件地址。 However it's not stopping the form from submitting when I not matter what I return. 但是,无论我返回什么,它都不会阻止表单的提交。

The ajax request checkEmailExists returns true or false depending on if the email exists Ajax请求checkEmailExists返回true或false取决于电子邮件是否存在

  .addValidator('uniqueUsername', {
    requirementType: 'string',
    validateString: function(value, requirement) {
        url: "checkEmailExists",
        data: {username: value},
        dataType: 'json',
        method: 'POST',
        data: { email: $( "#email" ).val() },
        async: false,
        success: function(data) {
          return data;
    messages: {
      en: 'This email address already exists!'

<input type="text" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" data-parsley-uniqueUsername data-parsley-required="true" data-parsley-type="email"/>

The promise you are returning must fail or succeed, not succeed with true or false . 您返回的承诺必须失败或成功,而不是truefalse才能成功。

Easiest is probably to use the remote validator. 最简单的方法可能是使用remote验证器。

Not relevant, but for idempotent requests like these, you're supposed to use GET , not POST . 不相关,但是对于此类幂等请求,应该使用GET而不是POST

As Marc said your promise must fail for succeed and also your validator name can't have capital letters or special characters so try something like this: 正如Marc所说,您的承诺必须失败才能成功,而且您的验证者名称不能使用大写字母或特殊字符,因此请尝试以下操作:

// uniqueUsername validator
window.Parsley.addValidator('uniqueusername', {
    validateString: function (value, requirement) {

        xhr = $.ajax({
            url: "users_list_ajax.php",
            dataType: 'json',
            method: 'GET',
            data: {
                action: 'checkUserExists',
                username: value

        return xhr.then(function (data) {
            console.log((data.isUnique == 0));

            if (data.isUnique == 0) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return $.Deferred().reject();
    messages: {
        en: 'Username already exists!',
        ar: 'إسم المستخدم موجود مسبقا'
    priority: 32

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