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[英]how to pass a optional param into spring controller and jpql query

this is my repository: 这是我的存储库:

@Query( "SELECT new com.app.gsc.entities.ListeBI(lm.listeDeCriteres.designation,count(*) as totalNumber,lm.ficheDeMission.dateEtHeurDeDepart) from ListeDeControleDetailsMission lm where lm.boolDepart=false OR lm.ficheDeMission.codeDeFicheDeMission=:CodeMission GROUP BY lm.listeDeCriteres.designation,DATE(lm.ficheDeMission.dateEtHeurDeDepart)" )
List<ListeBI> getIncidentDepart( @Param( "CodeMission" ) Integer missId );

and heres my controller : 这是我的控制器:

 @RequestMapping( value = "admin/dashboard/getIncidentDepart/{codeMission}", method = RequestMethod.GET )
public Reponse getIncidentDepart( HttpServletResponse response, @PathVariable Integer codeMission ) { // entêtes
    CorsController.getIncidentDepart( response, codeMission );
    if ( messages != null ) {
        return new Reponse( -1, messages );
    List<ListeBI> listeBIs = null;
    try {
        listeBIs = application.getIncidentDepart( codeMission );
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
        return new Reponse( 5, Static.getErreursForException( e ) );
    return new Reponse( 0, Static.getMapForMissionIncidents( listeBIs ) );

My problems are: this first problem i want to pass the codeMission as choosen variable, i dont how i can put that but i will explain, if i passe the codeMission variable in the controller the request should work, and if i dont passe the codeMission variable in the controlle the request also should work, how i can do that please, and also i'm not sure if the condition in the request works level is fine: 我的问题是:这第一个问题我想将codeMission传递为选择的变量,我不知道该如何放置,但是我会解释一下,如果我在控制器中传递了codeMission变量,请求应该可以正常工作,如果我不传递codeMission控件中的变量请求也应该起作用,请问我该怎么做,而且我不确定请求中的条件是否正常:

where lm.boolDepart=false OR lm.ficheDeMission.codeDeFicheDeMission=:CodeMission 其中lm.boolDepart = false或lm.ficheDeMission.codeDeFicheDeMission =:CodeMission

About JPQL question 关于JPQL问题

Here : 这里 :

where lm.boolDepart=false OR lm.ficheDeMission.codeDeFicheDeMission=:CodeMission

If your :CodeMission param is not null valued, your filter works as expected but if it has null value, it filters on :codeMission==null condition and it is not what you wish. 如果您的:CodeMission参数not null值,则您的过滤器会按预期工作,但如果具有null值,则它会根据:codeMission==null条件进行过滤,这不是您想要的。

To address both cases ( null :CodeMission param and not null :CodeMission param) , try that : 要解决这两种情况( null :CodeMission参数,而not null :CodeMission参数),请尝试:

where lm.boolDepart=false OR 
      (:CodeMission is null OR lm.ficheDeMission.codeDeFicheDeMission=:CodeMission)

Concretely : 具体来说:

If it is filled with for example 100 as value for :CodeMission , it results in : 如果用:CodeMission 100填充:CodeMission值,则结果为:

where lm.boolDepart=false OR 

If it is filled with null as value for :CodeMission , it results in : 如果将:CodeMission值填充为null ,则结果为:

where lm.boolDepart=false OR 
      (null is null)

About Rest configuration question 关于Rest配置问题

If you use Spring 4 and Java 8, you can make codeMission optional : 如果您使用Spring 4和Java 8,则可以使codeMission可选:

@RequestMapping( value = "admin/dashboard/getIncidentDepart/{codeMission}", method = RequestMethod.GET )
public Reponse getIncidentDepart( HttpServletResponse response, @PathVariable Optional<Integer> codeMission ) {

Otherwise, create two methods with two distinct paths. 否则,创建具有两个不同路径的两个方法。

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