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Ektron CMS400-更改内容类型?

[英]Ektron CMS400 - change content type?

I'm completely new to Ektron CMS400 and and fumbling my way through things. 我对Ektron CMS400完全陌生,并且摸索一切。

I'm working with Smart Forms at the moment and have managed to get to the point where I need to change the 'Content Type' for an entry from HTML Content to my new smart form. 目前,我正在使用Smart Forms,设法设法将“内容类型”从HTML内容更改为我的新智能表单。 However, I do not see an option to select or change the content type under 'Edit Properties' which is where I expected to change it much like at folder level. 但是,我在“编辑属性”下没有看到用于选择或更改内容类型的选项,这是我希望在文件夹级进行更改的地方。

I hope that makes sense. 我希望这是有道理的。

Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向?

Thanks, ozmo 谢谢,ozmo

I see your comment that you answered your own question, but for completeness... 我看到您的评论是您回答了自己的问题,但出于完整性考虑...

You can change content from one Smart Form definition to another Smart Form definition, with the result that you will lose any information that doesn't have field alignment between the two types. 您可以将内容从一种智能表单定义更改为另一种智能表单定义,结果将丢失两种类型之间没有字段对齐的任何信息。 Since Smart Forms are essentially an XML Schema, you're switching from one mapped Schema to another. 由于智能表单本质上是XML架构,因此您正在从一种映射的架构切换到另一种。

For example, if you have these two types: 例如,如果您具有以下两种类型:

    <Name />
    <Address />
    <Phone />


    <Name />
    <Address />
    <Email />

When you convert from the first type to the second, you will retain the content values for Name and Address, but lose Phone. 从第一种类型转换为第二种类型时,将保留“名称”和“地址”的内容值,但丢失“电话”。 Similarly in the opposite direction, but losing the value for Email because the XML has changed and the new schema doesn't have a definition for that property. 在相反的方向上类似,但是由于XML已更改并且新架构没有该属性的定义,因此丢失了Email的值。 This requirement for the schemas to be similar in order to minimize data loss means that the feature to change from one Smart Form to another is typically used to change content from one Smart Form to an updated version of the same Smart Form, not a completely new & different definition. 为了使数据丢失最小化,对架构的要求类似,这意味着从一种智能表单更改为另一种智能表单的功能通常用于将内容从一种智能表单更改为同一智能表单的更新版本,而不是全新的&不同的定义。

This works because both are XML structured content. 之所以可行,是因为两者都是XML结构化的内容。 Converting from unstructured HTML content to structured XML content would result in losing all the HTML regardless because it won't map directly to the new XML schema. 从非结构化HTML内容转换为结构化XML内容将导致所有HTML丢失,因为它不会直接映射到新的XML模式。

Aside from retaining some settings such as ID, Category, or Metadata, there is little value to converting the content itself since you wouldn't be able to retain any of the information. 除了保留ID,类别或元数据之类的某些设置外,转换内容本身几乎没有价值,因为您将无法保留任何信息。

The Ektron Workarea has a check to see whether content is created using a Smart Form. Ektron工作区会检查是否使用智能表单创建了内容。 If not, the option to change the Smart Form configuration for the content item is hidden. 如果不是,则隐藏用于更改内容项的智能表单配置的选项。 If it is derived from a Smart Form, then you'll see a field to change the Smart Form Configuration for the item within its Content Properties: 如果它是从智能表单派生的,那么您将在其内容属性中看到一个用于更改项目的智能表单配置的字段:


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