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FactoryGirl + Rspec自定义验证测试

[英]FactoryGirl + Rspec custom validation test

I'm pretty new to testing. 我是测试的新手。

I have a custom validation at my Profile model 我的个人资料模型上有一个自定义验证

def birth_date_cannot_be_in_the_future
    errors.add(:birth_date, "the birth date cannot be in the future") if
    !birth_date.blank? && birth_date > Date.today

At my factories.rb 在我的factory.rb

sequence(:email) {|n| "person-#{n}@example.com"}
factory :user do
  password 'password'
  password_confirmation 'password'
  confirmed_at Time.now

factory :profile do
  first_name { "User" }
  last_name { "Tester" }
  birth_date { 21.years.ago }

At my models/profile_spec.rb 在我的模型/profile_spec.rb

it 'birth date cannot be in the future' do
    profile = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now)
    expect(profile.errors[:birth_date]).to include("the birth date cannot be in the future")
    expect(profile.valid?).to be_falsy

When I run my test I receive the follow message: 运行测试时,我收到以下消息:

Failure/Error: profile = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now)

   The validation fails: Birth date the birth date cannot be in the future

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

There's a matcher just for catching errors. 有一个匹配器仅用于捕获错误。 Without having tested, I'm assuming you can go: 未经测试,我假设您可以:

expect { FactoryGirl.create(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)

Another approach though is to include the shoulda gem, which has the allow_value matcher. 另一种方法虽然是包括shoulda宝石,它具有allow_value匹配。 This lets you do something more like this in your model spec: 这使您可以在模型规格中执行以下操作:

describe Profile, type: :model do
  describe 'Birth date validations' do
    it { should allow_value(100.years.ago).for(:birth_date) }
    it { should_not allow_value(100.days.from_now).for(:birth_date) }

Generally you wont need FactoryGirl at all when you're testing things like validations. 通常,在测试诸如验证之类的东西时,您根本不需要FactoryGirl。 They become super useful in controller tests though. 它们在控制器测试中变得超级有用。

Just put assertions for your model in a model spec, which tests your model code directly. 只需将模型的断言放在模型规范中,即可直接测试模型代码。 These usually live in spec/models/model_name_spec.rb There are convenient shoulda matchers for a bunch of common model stuff: 这些通常存在于spec/models/model_name_spec.rb中。一堆常见的模型匹配项应该有一些便利的matcha匹配器:

describe SomeModel, type: :model do
  it { should belong_to(:user) }
  it { should have_many(:things).dependent(:destroy) }
  it { should validate_presence_of(:type) }
  it { should validate_length_of(:name).is_at_most(256) }
  it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:code).allow_nil }

It should be using build instead of create 它应该使用build而不是create

Also profile.valid? 也是profile.valid? should be called before checking profile.errors 应该在检查profile.errors之前调用

it 'birth date cannot be in the future' do
  profile = FactoryGirl.build(:profile, birth_date: 100.days.from_now)
  expect(profile.valid?).to be_falsy
  expect(profile.errors[:birth_date]).to include("the birth date cannot be in the future")

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