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Python 测试:使用带有模拟和 io.StringIO 的假文件

[英]Python testing: using a fake file with mock & io.StringIO

I'm trying to test some code that operates on a file, and I can't seem to get my head around how to replace using a real file with mock and io.StringIO My code is pretty much the following:我正在尝试测试一些对文件进行操作的代码,但我似乎无法理解如何使用带有mockio.StringIO的真实文件io.StringIO我的代码几乎如下:

class CheckConfig(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = self._check_input_data(config)

    def _check_input_data(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, list):
            return self._parse(data)
        elif os.path.isfile(data):
            with open(data) as f:
                return self._parse(f.readlines())

    def _parse(self, data):
        return data

I have a class that can take either a list or a file, if it's a file it opens it and extracts the contents into a list, and then does what it needs to do to the resulting list.我有一个可以接受列表或文件的类,如果它是一个文件,它会打开它并将内容提取到一个列表中,然后对结果列表执行它需要执行的操作。

I have a working test as follows:我有一个工作测试如下:

def test_CheckConfig_with_file():
    config = 'config.txt'
    expected = parsed_file_data
    actual = CheckConfig(config).config
    assert expected == actual

I want to replace the call to the filesystem.我想替换对文件系统的调用。 I have tried replacing the file with io.StringIO but I get a TypeError from os.path.isfile() as it's expecting either a string, bytes or int.我尝试用io.StringIO替换文件,但我从os.path.isfile()得到一个TypeError ,因为它需要一个字符串、字节或整数。 I also tried mocking the isfile method like so:我也尝试像这样isfile方法:

def test_CheckConfig_with_file(mock_path):
    mock_path.isfile.return_value = True
    config = io.StringIO('data')
    expected = parsed_file_data
    actual = CheckConfig(config).config
    assert expected == actual

but I still get the same TypeError as the _io.StringIO type is causing the exception before isfile gets a chance to return something.但我仍然得到相同的TypeError因为_io.StringIO类型在isfile有机会返回某些东西之前导致异常。

How can I get os.path.isfile to return True, when I pass it a fake file?当我传递一个假文件时,如何让os.path.isfile返回 True? Or is this a suggestion I should change my code?或者这是我应该更改代码的建议?

Just mock out both os.path.isfile and the open() call, and pass in a fake filename (you are not expected to pass in an open file, after all).只需模拟os.path.isfileopen()调用,并传入一个假文件名(毕竟你不应该传入一个打开的文件)。

The mock library includes a utility for the latter: mock_open() :模拟库包括后者的实用程序: mock_open()

def test_CheckConfig_with_file(mock_isfile):
    mock_isfile.return_value = True
    config_data = mock.mock_open(read_data='data')
    with mock.patch('mymodule.open', config_data) as mock_open:
        expected = parsed_file_data
        actual = CheckConfig('mocked/filename').config
        assert expected == actual

This causes the if isinstance(data, list): test to be false (because data is a string instead), followed by the elif os.path.isfile(data): returning True , and the open(data) call to use your mocked data from the mock_open() result.这会导致if isinstance(data, list): test 为 false(因为data是一个字符串),然后是elif os.path.isfile(data):返回Trueopen(data)调用以使用您的来自mock_open()结果的mock_open()数据。

You can use the mock_open variable to assert that open() was called with the right data ( mock_open. assert_called_once_with('mocked/filename') for example).您可以使用mock_open变量来断言open()是用正确的数据调用的( mock_open. assert_called_once_with('mocked/filename') )。


>>> import os.path
>>> from unittest import mock
>>> class CheckConfig(object):
...     def __init__(self, config):
...         self.config = self._check_input_data(config)
...     def _check_input_data(self, data):
...         if isinstance(data, list):
...             return self._parse(data)
...         elif os.path.isfile(data):
...             with open(data) as f:
...                 return self._parse(f.readlines())
...     def _parse(self, data):
...         return data
>>> with mock.patch('os.path.isfile') as mock_isfile:
...     mock_isfile.return_value = True
...     config_data = mock.mock_open(read_data='line1\nline2\n')
...     with mock.patch('__main__.open', config_data) as mock_open:
...         actual = CheckConfig('mocked/filename').config
>>> actual
['line1\n', 'line2\n']
>>> mock_open.mock_calls
 call().__exit__(None, None, None)]

In case you end up here wondering how to solve this using the pytest-mock library, here is how you do it:如果你最终想知道如何使用pytest-mock库解决这个问题,你可以这样做:

def test_open(mocker):
    m = mocker.patch('builtins.open', mocker.mock_open(read_data='bibble'))
    with open('foo') as h:
        result = h.read()

    assert result == 'bibble'

This code example was found (but had to be adjusted) here .此代码示例在此处找到(但必须进行调整)。

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