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[英]C# dictionary, how to get the a specific value

I have created a dictionary, and I want the user to write the city ( kommune) and then get the value (procent) displayed in a text box called txtKommuneresultalt 我已经创建了一个字典,我希望用户编写城市(公社),然后获取显示在名为txtKommuneresultalt的文本框中的值(百分比)

I am new to C#, so I hope someone can help me 我是C#的新手,所以我希望有人可以帮助我

I have tried searching for days now, nothing works.I am using Windowsforms, and have the buttonHandler ready 我已经尝试搜索几天了,但是没有用。我正在使用Windowsforms,并且已经准备好buttonHandler

this so far is my code: 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

Dictionary<double, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<double, string>();
double procent = Convert.ToDouble(txtKommuneresultat.Text);
string kommune = txtKommuneInput.Text;

dictionary.Add(11.44, "Faxe");
dictionary.Add(4.29, "Greve");
dictionary.Add(7.11, "Gulborgsund");
dictionary.Add(7.86, " Holbæk");
dictionary.Add(5.67, "Kalundborg");
dictionary.Add(4.99, "Køge");
dictionary.Add(7.28, "Lejre");
dictionary.Add(2.67, "Lolland");
dictionary.Add(4.07, "Næstved");
dictionary.Add(1.21, "Odsherred");
dictionary.Add(5.02, "Ringsted");
dictionary.Add(13.23, "Slagelse");
dictionary.Add(20.75, "Solrød");
dictionary.Add(1.81, "Sorø");
dictionary.Add(5.50, "Stevns");
dictionary.Add(1.29, "Vordingborg");


The first type in a dictionary is the key and the second is the value . 字典中的第一种是 ,第二种是 A dictionary allow you to look up a value based on that value's key . 字典允许你查找基于该值的

Currently, you have a double as the first type (the key) and a string as the second type (the value). 当前,您将double作为第一种类型(键),将string作为第二种类型(值)。 This would allow you to look up a string value by using a double value as a key. 这将允许您通过使用double值作为键来查找string值。

But wait. 可是等等。 Your doubles are representing a percentage, while your strings represent a city name. 您的双打代表百分比,而您的字符串则代表城市名称。 You want to look up a percentage, based on the city name. 您想根据城市名称查找百分比。 So the string should be the key in your dictionary, not the double. 因此, string应该是字典中的 ,而不是双键。

Dictionary<string, double> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, double>();

This allow you to get a specific double value by providing the right string: 这允许您通过提供正确的字符串来获取特定的double值:

var percentage = dictionary["Gulborgsund"];

Since the lookup will be based on user input (which is usually unreliable), it would probably be best to use the TryGetValue method: 由于查找将基于用户输入(通常是不可靠的),因此最好使用TryGetValue方法:

double percentage;
if (dictionary.TryGetValue(userInput, out percentage)) 
    // Use percentage
    // Could not retrieve value
        string userInput = txtKommuneInput.Text;
        double procent;
        if (dictionary.TryGetValue(userInput, out procent))

            txtKommuneresultat.Text = procent.ToString();

How to fish: 如何钓鱼:

Here is a good start for learning about Dictionary in C#: 这是学习C#词典的一个很好的开始:

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xfhwa508(v=vs.110).aspx#Anchor_8 https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/xfhwa508(v=vs.110).aspx#Anchor_8

Also, MSDN have a lot of useful resources there, please, feel free to explore. 此外,请访问MSDN,那里有很多有用的资源。

How to do it (I think this will be specific to your case, I divided into two options, using city name as key or using percentage as key): 怎么做(我认为这将取决于您的情况,我分为两个选项,使用城市名称作为关键字或使用百分比作为关键字):

using System;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()       
        //Part 1: Using percentage as Key
        Dictionary<double, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<double, string>();

        dictionary.Add(11.44, "Faxe");          
        dictionary.Add(1.29, "Vordingborg");

        //Here is Komune
        dictionary.Add(5.89, "Komune");

        if (dictionary.ContainsKey(5.89)){
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Found: {0}!", dictionary[5.89]));
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine("Not Found!");

        //Part 2: Using the string as Key
        Dictionary<string,double> dictionaryStringPercent = new Dictionary<string,double>();


        //Here is Komune

        if (dictionaryStringPercent.ContainsKey("Komune")){
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Found: {0}!", dictionaryStringPercent["Komune"]));
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine("Not Found!");

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