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[英]Ionic: first time input field focus keyboards hides right after coming up only on IOS

Hello fellow programmers, 程序员大家好,

I've been working on an app for a while now and I've been experiencing a problem with the keyboard. 我已经在应用程序上工作了一段时间,我一直遇到键盘问题。 When I tab on an input field for the first time the keyboard shows up, but hides afterwards. 当我第一次在输入字段上选中键盘时,键盘会显示,但之后会隐藏。 This happens in a short time. 这发生在很短的时间内。 When I tab the input field the second time it works normally. 当我第二次选择输入字段时,它正常工作。

I have no clue what the problem could be. 我不知道问题是什么。 I've installed the ionic-keyboard plugin and I thought the problem could be related with that plugin. 我已经安装了离子键盘插件,我认为问题可能与该插件有关。 So I've uninstalled it and re-installed it, but my problem wasn't solved. 所以我已经卸载它并重新安装它,但我的问题没有解决。

Any of you had a similar problem? 你们中有人有类似的问题吗?

If so, please let me know! 如果是这样,请告诉我!

I would be grateful if someone could give me the solution or at least point me into the right direction. 如果有人能给我解决方案或者至少指出我正确的方向,我将不胜感激。

Thanks. 谢谢。

I've solved the problem by un-installing the ionic-plugin-keyboard. 我通过卸载离子插件键盘解决了这个问题。 This plugin was causing the problem for iOS keyboard to glitch. 这个插件导致iOS键盘问题出现故障。 After I de-activated it, the keyboard worked smoothly. 取消激活后,键盘运行顺畅。

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