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[英]WP theme search results and Algolia results simultaneously

I have installed and set up the Algolia WP plugin. 我已经安装并设置了Algolia WP插件。 The instant search function works, however it displays both the Algolia search results list and my theme's native search results list. 即时搜索功能有效,但是它同时显示Algolia搜索结果列表和我主题的本地搜索结果列表。 They sit on top of each other. 他们坐在彼此的顶部。

I thought that Algolia hid the themes search results and only showed the Algolia results? 我以为Algolia隐藏了主题搜索结果,只显示了Algolia结果?

How do I fix this? 我该如何解决?

Example here 这里的例子

Plugin author here, 插件作者在这里,

The plugin replaces the search.php template file with a custom template shipped with the plugin that you can customize by following this guide: https://community.algolia.com/wordpress/customize-search-page.html 该插件用插件附带的自定义模板替换了search.php模板文件,您可以按照以下指南进行自定义: https : //community.algolia.com/wordpress/customize-search-page.html

My guess is that in your case, your theme injects search results via javascript, which still happens even after the plugin overrides the template. 我的猜测是,就您而言,您的主题通过javascript注入搜索结果,即使插件覆盖了模板,该结果仍然会发生。

You could try to disable that logic. 您可以尝试禁用该逻辑。

Could you also send us a link to your theme so that we can confirm our assumption? 您能否同时向我们发送指向您主题的链接,以便我们可以确认我们的假设?

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