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[英]Delete an altChunk

How can I successfully delete an altChunk with a given id from a document. 如何从文档中成功删除具有给定ID的altChunk。 The process that I'm following is - 我要遵循的过程是-

MainDocumentPart mainPart = theDoc.MainDocumentPart;

I'm adding the altChunk after a given sdt. 我在给定的sdt之后添加altChunk。 For adding an altChunk, I've the following code - 要添加altChunk,我需要以下代码-

string altSchedChunkId = "AltChunkIdA1";
AlternativeFormatImportPart schedChunk = mainPart.AddAlternativeFormatImportPart(AlternativeFormatImportPartType.WordprocessingML, altSchedChunkId);
schedChunk.FeedData(File.Open(FileA12, FileMode.Open));
            AltChunk altSchedChunk = new AltChunk();
            altSchedChunk.Id = altSchedChunkId;

            OpenXmlElement parent = sdtRunSchedTerms.Parent;
            parent.InsertAfter(altSchedChunk, sdtRunSchedTerms);

But it doesn't seem to work out. 但这似乎无法解决。 Instead of the altChunk getting deleted, a new altChunk with the same id is added every time I try editing the document. 每次删除文档时,都会添加一个具有相同ID的新altChunk,而不是删除altChunk。

Thanks in advance, 提前致谢,


I had the same issue with chunks, but I think I solved it. 我在块方面也遇到了同样的问题,但我想我已经解决了。

If you look carefully at the code to add a chunk, you see that it actually does two things: 如果仔细查看添加块的代码,您会发现它实际上做了两件事:

  1. create a chunk ( AddAlternativeFormatImportPart ) 创建一个块( AddAlternativeFormatImportPart


  1. add a reference to the chunck somewhere in the document ( InsertAfter ). 在文档中的某个位置( InsertAfter )添加对块的引用。

The code in which you delete the chunk does not delete the reference to the chunk. 在其中删除块的代码不会删除对该块的引用。 If you then add a new chunk with the same id and add a reference, you will end up with your chunk appearing twice. 如果然后添加具有相同ID的新块添加引用,则最终将使块出现两次。

See AltChunk class documentation on MSDN for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见MSDN上的AltChunk类文档

I use this code to remove any existing references to a chunk. 我使用此代码删除了对块的任何现有引用。

var altChunks = mainPart.RootElement.Descendants<AltChunk>().Where(e => e.Id == altChunkId);

foreach (var altChunk in altChunks)

After that, you can use DeletePart() to delete the chunk itself. 之后,您可以使用DeletePart()删除块本身。

I must admit that I found this by trial and error, so I am not 100% sure it is the recommended way to do it, but it appears to work. 我必须承认我是通过反复试验发现的,所以我不是100%确信这是推荐的方法,但是它似乎可以工作。

To get a better feeling about what a chunk actually is, I unzipped a .docx-file ( 7-zip is willing to do this) and found a directory word which contains chunks, as well as a directory _rels with a file document.xml.rels inside. 为了更好地了解实际上是什么块,我解压缩了一个.docx文件( 7-zip愿意这样做),并找到了包含块的目录 ,以及带有文件document.xml的目录_rels.rels里面。 The latter lists the references to the chuncks, ie where they should be inserted. 后者列出了对块的引用,即应将它们插入的位置。

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